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Kesaksian Wanita Israel yang Jadi Tawanan Hamas: Diperlakukan Manusiawi Selama Jadi Sandera

Testimony of Israeli Woman Held by Hamas: Treated Humanely During Captivity

Dream - An Israeli woman who survived a Hamas attack in a settlement near the Gaza border on October 7, 2023, admitted to being held captive along with other civilians for several hours. While being held captive by Hamas, Yasmin Porat claimed to have been treated humanely by the Palestinian militia. A recording of her interview, from the radio program Haboker Hazeh ("This Morning") hosted by Aryeh Golan on the state broadcasting institution Kan, has circulated on social media. The interview has been translated into English by The Electronic Intifada.

Treated Well

Treated Well

According to The Electronic Intifada, the mother of three children conveyed that she and other civilian detainees were treated well by the Palestinian fighters.

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Woman from Kabri, a settlement near the Lebanese border, tells the story, the attack began when Hamas started with missiles and motorized paragliders. She and her colleague, Tal Katz, fled by car to near Kibbutz Be'eri, where many of the events she described in a media interview took place."

Kesaksian Wanita Israel yang Jadi Tawanan Hamas: Diperlakukan Manusiawi Selama Jadi Sandera

"Becoming a Prisoner of Hamas"

To Maariv, Porat confessed that initially he and Katz sought refuge at the home of a couple named Adi and Hadas Dagan. After the Palestinian fighters found them, they were all taken to another house, where eight people were captured and one person was killed.


Porat said that the deceased's wife informed him that, "when they (Hamas fighters) attempted to enter, the man tried to prevent them from entering and reached for the door. They shot the door and he was killed. They did not execute him."

Kesaksian Wanita Israel yang Jadi Tawanan Hamas: Diperlakukan Manusiawi Selama Jadi Sandera

"They don't harass us. They treat us very humanely,"
Porat explained to a surprised Golan in an interview on Kan radio.


"They gave us drinks here and there. When they saw us nervous, they calmed us down. It was very scary but no one treated us roughly. Fortunately, nothing happened to me as I heard in the media."



"Remaining Calm"

Even, the humane action is called as if Hamas forces were guarding their captives. "They are very humane towards us," said Porat in his interview on Channel 12. He recalled one of the Palestinian fighters who could speak Hebrew and said something to him.


"Tell me, 'Look at me closely, we will not kill you. We want to bring you to Gaza. We will not kill you. So be calm, you will not die.' That's what he said to me, with those words."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "the speech of the 44-year-old woman."


"I am calm because I know nothing will happen to me," he added. In an interview with Channel 12, Porat explained that although all Palestinian fighters carry weapons, he never saw them shoot prisoners or threaten them with weapons. "They told us that we would not die, that they wanted to take us to Gaza and the next day they would return us to the border," Porat told Maariv. Porat conveyed that, in addition to providing drinking water, Hamas fighters even allowed them to go outside to the grassy courtyard because of the hot weather, especially when the electricity went out."

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