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Kisah Haru Perjuangan Anak Bahagiakan Orangtua, Kuliah Sambil Kerja Siang Malam Tidur Hanya Satu Jam

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Touching Story of a Child's Struggle to Make Parents Happy, Studying while Working Day and Night, Sleeping Only for One Hour"

Dream - Parents are the most precious figures for a child. Especially to a mother who has struggled and sacrificed her life during childbirth, a child should have a sense of gratitude and strive to make her happy. Therefore, many people are willing to do anything for the happiness of their parents. Especially for those who live with a single parent. Like what this viral young man did. The student shared his struggle to make his parents happy. He was willing to study while working and only sleep for 1 hour a day to make his mother happy. His story was uploaded in a video on the TikTok account @curahanhatiku8982.

Kisah Haru Perjuangan Anak Bahagiakan Orangtua, Kuliah Sambil Kerja Siang Malam Tidur Hanya Satu Jam

The youth named Juanda Sitorus joined one of the live TikTok with four men. In that live, the youth who is familiarly called Juan is currently at the morning market. "What are you doing at the morning market?" one of the men asked in the live. "Loading and unloading goods," Juan replied.

"Working While Studying"

When asked if he still has parents, Juan answered that his parents are still there, but his father went somewhere unknown. "Still, only one is left, mom. Actually, both of them are alive, but dad doesn't know where," he replied. Besides working at night in the market, it turns out Juan is currently pursuing education at one of the campuses.

Kisah Haru Perjuangan Anak Bahagiakan Orangtua, Kuliah Sambil Kerja Siang Malam Tidur Hanya Satu Jam

One of the people who joined the live stream asked if their studies were not disrupted by working in the early morning market. "Well, I work from 1 o'clock until sometimes 1 to 7 in the morning, then I work again at 8 o'clock, have classes at 2 o'clock, and then do motorcycle taxi at night," he said.

"Working for the Sake of His Mother"

Listening to Juan's answer who works day and night, one of the live participants became curious about the reason. No other reason, it is to fulfill his daily needs with his mother. Moreover, he has to finance his own studies. Because, he admitted to secretly attending college so that his mother did not know. "My parents also don't know about my studies, I attend college secretly," he said.

Kisah Haru Perjuangan Anak Bahagiakan Orangtua, Kuliah Sambil Kerja Siang Malam Tidur Hanya Satu Jam

"Sleep One Hour a Day"

The four men were stunned to hear Juan's explanation. Juan admitted that he only slept for one hour a day. He had become accustomed to living like that, even after working alone for 8 years. When asked what he needed, Juan said he didn't need anything. He just wanted his mother to be happy.


Creating Excitement

The perseverance of Juan moved netizens and gave encouragement and support to Juan. "Every time I see this, it always brings tears to my eyes. Stay strong, my child Juanda Sitorus. Umi prays for your success," wrote the account @umiefa248. "Stay healthy and successful, Juan Sitorus. Ameen, O Allah," wrote the account @tha_siahaan123. "Masha Allah, my tears burst when I see this. Hopefully, in the future, you will become a successful and happy child, Juan, and make your mother proud," wrote the account masmugiatun.

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