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Pintu Rahasia di dalam Piramida Giza Dibuka untuk Pertama Kali, Peneliti Syok Lihat Temuannya

"The Secret Door Inside the Giza Pyramid Opened for the First Time, Researchers Shocked to See Their Discovery"

Dream - The Pyramid is an ancient and mysterious icon of Egypt because it holds a million secrets. Many people are fascinated and want to visit the ancient building. To answer the curiosity about the mysteries inside the Giza Pyramid, an archaeologist creates a mission to open the mysterious door inside that historic building.

"Mysterious Door in the Giza Pyramid"

According to The Sun, former Minister of Antiquities of Egypt, Zahi Hawass said he will come to uncover the secrets behind the Egyptian pyramid door in Giza, especially tracing where the secret door leads to.

Hawass plans to lead an archaeological team to solve the mystery of the Giza pyramid on December 5, 2023. His curiosity is fervent after his first discovery, which is the stone door of the pyramid.

Secret Door Inside the Giza Pyramid Opened for the First Time, Shocked Researchers See the Discovery

"I think, until now, the secret door that I found inside the Great Pyramid is truly a discovery that requires many questions and many answers,"
tuturnya kepada The U.S. Sun.


Secret Door Inside the Giza Pyramid Opened for the First Time, Shocked Researchers See the Discovery

The leader of the archaeologists explained, inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, he found three secret doors.

"Inside the large pyramid, I found three doors, one at the southern entrance of the second room which has two copper handles, twenty-one centimeters behind that one we found the second one and in the northern tunnel, we found the third door with two copper handles," he said."

Secret Door Inside the Giza Pyramid Opened for the First Time, Shocked Researchers See the Discovery
Secret Door Inside the Giza Pyramid Opened for the First Time, Shocked Researchers See the Discovery

Expert archaeologists actually do not know where the doors lead, but Hawass is determined to find the answers. His determination has gathered, on December 5th precisely, he and his team will explore the mysterious doors inside the Giza Pyramid.

"On December 5th, I led a team to observe, discover, and answer questions about these doors," he explained. In fact, he had previously conducted research in the Giza Pyramid. He made a small hole in the first southern door and sent a camera installed inside. Archaeologists estimate that there will be a hidden fourth door behind the northern door, which will make its design appear symmetrical. Hawass said that the doors increasingly make him impatient to search the Giza pyramid. He added that he hopes to reveal the great secrets of the Egyptian Pyramid for the first time."

Makam Firaun Khufu

Tomb of Pharaoh Khufu

In addition, the Great Pyramid is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu. It is the resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, built around 2570 BC.


Queen's Room

According to the report, at the burial site, there are three chambers, including the Queen's chamber where three mysterious doors are located on two axes facing each other. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

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