Better experience in portrait mode.

"Old Portrait of President Soeharto Burst into Laughter during Dialogue with the People"

A vintage video recording featuring President Soeharto accompanied by a former four-star TNI general as vice president. This nostalgic moment successfully attracted public attention. Soeharto is known as a friendly and often smiling figure, he appears to be very familiar with the community. Curious about what the moment was like? Here is a vintage portrait of President Soeharto who is familiar with the community!

Old Portrait of President Soeharto Laughing Hysterically during a Dialogue with the People

A video recording capturing the moment when Soeharto attended an event. In the circulated video, he can be seen speaking with the citizens.

In the video uploaded by the Instagram account @jejaksoeharto, Soeharto can be seen happily conversing with one of the community members, with laughter filling the air. His faithful wife, Siti Hartinah, who is better known as Mother Tien Soeharto, can be seen with him in that moment.

Old Portrait of President Soeharto Laughing Hysterically during a Dialogue with the People

"How much did it grow? Ninety? Hahahahaha, good, good, good," said Soeharto.


<b>Ditemani Wapres Jendral.</b>

Accompanied by Vice President General.

In addition to being accompanied by his loyal wife, Soeharto was also accompanied by his government members, including Vice President Try Sutrisno.

Try Sutrisno can be seen sitting on the right side of Soeharto. It is important to note that Try Sutrisno is a retired four-star TNI general. Throughout his military career, Try Sutrisno is known to have held several key positions. The peak of his career was when he served as the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (ABRI).

"Internet Users' Reaction."

Historical moments when Soeharto interacted with the people and was accompanied by the retired four-star general vice president quickly became the focus of public attention. Evidence of the flood of praise given by netizens through various comments. "The way he builds communication with his people is truly something I admire about his figure, General Haji Muhammad Soeharto," wrote a comment by @godham.supriyanto.

"Mr. Harto and Mrs. Tin. Al-Fatihah for both of them, may ALLAH always bestow His blessings upon them both in this world and the hereafter. AMIN," added @ariefsyah_reza."
\u00a0Instagram : @jejaksoeharto



"Truly seeing this one Father of the Nation feels serene, with a calm, wise, patient yet firm wonder he is feared by neighboring countries because of his active Free politics...Great Father of the Nation....there is no match for him," continued @srimulyani1945.
Instagram: @jejaksoeharto


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