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"Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Tenant's Reasoning Beyond Reason"

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

Dream - Clean and tidy room can make its occupants feel comfortable. Therefore, many people try to maintain the cleanliness of the bedroom.

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

However, there are many people who like to pile up trash in their rooms. This abnormal behavior makes the room very dirty and even disturbs the comfort of others around.

Just like what happened in Thailand, a boarding house tenant piled up garbage in his room until it reached the ceiling. This surprised the owner when he saw the room filled with garbage.

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

Anyone who enters that room will have difficulty because garbage fills all the rooms. In fact, someone has to climb the garbage mountain to enter the room.

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

As per the owner, it is known that the occupant of the boarding house is not present. Their dirty room invites various animals to enter and causes an unpleasant smell that disturbs other occupants.

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

"He is not here, but he pays for his room, it smells bad and causes problems for the dormitory. There are snakes, cockroaches, and the smell is very overpowering,"
"ungkap pemilik kos dilansir dari Sanook." translates to "revealed by the owner of the boarding house, as reported by Sanook."


Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

The owner of the boarding house immediately contacted the tenant of the room. Surprisingly, the tenant instead said that the room was very valuable to him.

"The owner of this room said it is very valuable,"
word of the boarding house owner.


Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior

The owner of the boarding house decided to clean the room. They successfully disposed of dozens of trash bags from the room.

The owner does not want to give the room to be occupied by someone who behaves abnormally. He rents out the room to someone else after it has been cleaned. Report: Yulia Putri

Shocked Boarding House Owner Finds Room Full of Trash Almost Reaching the Ceiling, Unreasonable Tenant Behavior
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