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Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia<br>

Strange But Amazing! 70-Year-Old Grandmother Gets Pregnant and Gives Birth to Twins, Becomes the Oldest Mother in the World

Dream - Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. However, many women struggle to conceive. Some women are willing to wait for the arrival of their precious child for a long time. In fact, there are even a few women who successfully have children in their old age.

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

The same thing happened to a woman named Safina Namukwaya from Africa who successfully gave birth to twins through the in-vitro fertilization method at the age of 70. She became one of the oldest mothers in the world because she gave birth at an advanced age.

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia
Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

The woman called Namukwaya gave birth to a baby girl and boy through a Caesarean section at the International Hospital and Women's Fertility Center in Kampala, Uganda.

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

"Previously, Namukwaya had given birth to her first daughter named Sarah in 2020. She became a mother again in 2023 because she wanted to have more than one child."

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

Her pregnancy at an older age caused her to experience a number of difficulties and complications. Moreover, Namukwaya was abandoned by her husband while pregnant because he did not want another child.

This makes the woman have to struggle alone until giving birth to her baby safely. "Men don't like to hear that you will have more than one child. Even after I was treated in the hospital, my husband never showed up," Namukwaya revealed.

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

Translated from Bahasa to English while preserving html tags: "As reported by Mirror, Namukwaya has been struggling to have children for 40 years. The woman even faced ridicule from the surrounding community for not having any offspring at a mature age."

Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

"Once upon a time, a very young boy mocked me. He said that my mother cursed me to die without children,"
kata Namukwaya.


Aneh Bin Ajaib! Nenek Usia 70 Tahun Hamil dan Melahirkan Bayi Kembar, Jadi Ibu Tertua di Dunia

Even though she was humiliated, Namukwaya never gave up. The woman continued to pray to God until happiness appeared when she gave birth to her first child, Sarah, in 2020.

"In the twilight years, like Namukmaya, it is actually not recommended by the National Health Service in England to have offspring using the method of test tube babies. In fact, this method is not offered to be performed by women over the age of 43. However, some private clinics still provide test tube baby services for older women who want to have children. This allowed Namukwaya to successfully have the twins she had longed for. Not only that, she also became one of the oldest mothers in the world after a woman in India gave birth at the age of 74 through the same program, which is test tube baby. Report: Yulia Putri"

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