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Inilah Profesi Keramat yang Sampai Kapan pun Tak Akan Tergantikan oleh AI

This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI

The presence of artificial intelligence (AI) still raises concerns among humans, especially regarding job fields. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, around 27 percent of all skill-required jobs can be automated using AI. However, who would have thought that advanced countries like Japan use AI robots for religious rituals? Here is the full story and interesting facts!

This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI

Referring to the report from IndianExpress on Thursday (3/8), the profession in question is the position of a spiritual leader. It cannot be denied that robots and artificial intelligence (AI) programs are beginning to encroach into areas considered sacred in the context of religion.

Although AI is starting to be involved in the realm of ritual ceremonies, every religious group still regards the importance of human role as a guide in channeling beliefs to God.

This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI
This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI

Interestingly, the research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that the presence of artificial intelligence tends to undermine credibility and reduce contributions given to religious groups.

This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI

A humanoid robot named Mindar is located at Kodai-Ji Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. This robot is equipped with a silicone face resembling a human, has the ability to move its lips, and blink its eyes.

This robot is designed to deliver a 25-minute sermon called "Sutra Hati" (Heart Sutra) about Buddhist philosophy, while showcasing accompanying light and sound performances. It was created in 2019 by a Japanese robotics team in collaboration with the temple.

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The survey results involving 398 congregants show that some people have decided to leave the temple after hearing the prayer spoken by the robot. The temple congregants feel that the presence of the Mindar robot is less convincing and this has had an impact on the decrease in donations given to the temple."

This is the Sacred Profession that Will Never Be Replaced by AI

Spread to Singapore.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "This humanoid robot is also present at the Tao Temple, Singapore. The result is the same. Half of the 239 worshippers listened to the sermon, while the other half chose to listen to the human priest. They believe that robot prayers will not be answered. Nevertheless, one intention in introducing Mindar to the Kodai-Ji temple is to attract the attention of young people and encourage them to become interested in and practice religion."

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center published in 2018, there are surprising facts that show that teenagers are more likely to not identify themselves with a religious group compared to older adults. This survey involved 41 countries, and the conclusion is that spiritual leaders have become cultural models. They not only convey teachings of faith but also represent diverse principles and provide legitimacy. Therefore, it seems difficult for artificial intelligence to replace the role of this profession.

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