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"Step back from KPK, Firli Bahuri: Give Me a Chance to Live as a Common Citizen"

Mundur dari KPK, Firli Bahuri: Berikan Kesempatan Saya Menjalani Kehidupan Sebagai Rakyat Jelata

"Dream - Komjen Pol (Ret) Firli Bahuri stated his resignation from the position of Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He admitted to having conveyed his resignation to President Joko Widodo and the KPK Supervisory Board."

It is known that the term of office of the KPK leadership during Firli's era was supposed to end on December 20, 2023. However, based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK), the term of office of the KPK leadership was extended until 2024. "I apologize to all Indonesian people because I am unable to complete and also unable to complete the extension, but I assure you that I truly love the Indonesian nation," said Firli at the ACLC KPK Building, Thursday, December 21, 2023, as quoted from "I kindly request the President to kindly accept our request," he added.

"Living Life Without a Position"

Firli conveyed that he will live without a position. He also requested permission to continue his life as a retired Polri officer and an ordinary citizen.

"Give me, my child, and my wife the opportunity to live our lives as retired members of the Indonesian National Police, as ordinary citizens, and also as Indonesian citizens who love their country. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia."
say Firli.


Firli Bahuri Apologizes

Not only that, Firli also conveyed his apology if during his tenure as a commissioner of the anti-corruption agency, he made a mistake. "I apologize to my colleagues if there were any mistakes on my part. I seek forgiveness from Allah SWT and from my colleagues, fellow KPK members, I express my gratitude for all the support given to me during my 4 years as the Chairman of the KPK," said Firli.


"At the same time, I apologize for all my mistakes. We continue to strive for perfection. We continue to strive to become white. More than just white."
Firli emphasized.


Mundur dari KPK, Firli Bahuri: Berikan Kesempatan Saya Menjalani Kehidupan Sebagai Rakyat Jelata

Firli revealed it, he has also conveyed the resignation to the KPK Supervisory Board. In addition, Firli mentioned that the resignation letter has also been submitted to President Jokowi through the Minister of State Secretary.

"Earlier I met with the leaders, chairman, and members of the Dewas. My agenda today is to deliver a message related to my statement that I have conveyed to the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of State Secretary."
"revealed Firli."


"The statement I made is in the context of completing my 4-year term as the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the period 2019-2023, starting from December 20, 2019, until December 20, 2023. Therefore, I am ending my duty as the Chairman of KPK."


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