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Viral Penemuan Jejak Kaki Manusia di China, Diduga Milik Raksasa yang Pernah Hidup di Bumi

Viral Discovery of Human Footprints in China, Allegedly Belonging to Giants That Once Lived on Earth.

Viral Discovery of Human Footprints in China, Allegedly Belonging to a Giant that Once Lived on Earth

The story of a giant creature inhabiting the Earth has emerged in various cultures and ancient civilizations. Several signs of the existence of giants have been discovered and believed to be millions to billions of years old.

The disclosure of giant human footprints in Pingyan village, Guizhou province, southwestern China, has been a hot topic since August 2016. This finding was made by a group of photographers and has sparked various speculations about the origin and authenticity of the footprints.

The disclosure of giant human footprints in Pingyan village, Guizhou province, southwestern China, has been a hot topic since August 2016. This finding was made by a group of photographers and has sparked various speculations about the origin and authenticity of the footprints.

Photo: Sina News Agency

Is this finding an indication of the existence of giant creatures in the past on Earth, or is it just a myth developed by ancient stories? The footprint has dimensions of 57 cm in length, 20 cm in width, and 3 cm in depth. It is estimated that this footprint originated from the prehistoric era and was found attached to a fossilized stone.

Source: Ancient Origins

"Aged 3.1 Billion Years"

Experts argue that granite stones where the footprints were found are not suitable for preserving such footprints. The age of the stones is also estimated to be much older, around 3.1 billion years, compared to the previously revealed age.

Although this giant footprint has become a topic of discussion on various conspiracy websites, there have been no reliable sources that have published any works on this topic, either in the media or in the scientific community. According to, even a search was conducted in local newspapers around Guizhou, and no articles were written about the giant footprint in August 2016.

"Aged Hundreds of Millions of Years Ago"

A number of experts, including archaeologist Michael Tellinger, claim that these giant footprints are 200 million years old and serve as evidence of the existence of giants in human history. Tellinger is also reported to have discovered other giant footprints in Africa in 2012.


However, many parties criticize Tellinger, calling him a conspiracy theorist.

The claim he presented is considered to have no basis in academic research. The giant footprints of Pingyan are considered to be fossilized in solid granite, a material that is not suitable for preserving any footprints. In addition, it is estimated that the stone is around 3.1 billion years old, not 200 million years old.

"In Bolivia, a third footprint was found, but CNN reports that the footprint originated from a large carnivorous dinosaur, not an ancient giant."

Viral Discovery of Human Footprints in China, Allegedly Belonging to Giants that Once Lived on Earth

Before, in 1987, Jerry MacDonald discovered large footprints in New Mexico with a length of 100 cm estimated to be 290 million years old.

"Swipe Up"


The following translation is in English while preserving the HTML tags: "The footprint is recognized as the largest footprint produced by a carnivorous dinosaur. However, the existence of this footprint has become controversial among paleontologists because there is no explanation about its origin or the identity of the maker. This situation once again provides an opportunity for conspiracy websites to speculate, considering this information as additional evidence of the existence of ancient giants."

Although the discovery of these additional footprints has raised further questions, further research is currently being conducted on this topic.

The possibility that these footprints originated from ancient giant humans, perhaps even our ancestors, remains an unanswered mystery. However, research conducted up to this point indicates that this possibility cannot be acknowledged as a satisfactory answer.

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