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Relaxed Reaction of Prabowo When Told He's Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already the Second Time I've Lost.

Relaxed Reaction of Prabowo When Told He's Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already the Second Time I've Lost.

Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice

Dream - The prospective presidential candidate (capres) Prabowo Subianto admits that he has changed a lot and is not as fierce as before. Now he can joke and is not as strict as before.

"\u201cThere are those who say that Mr. Prabowo has changed. Changed, now he jokes a lot. He's not as fierce as before anymore. (I replied) yes, he has lost twice already,""
The text translates to: "Prabowo's words were quoted from, Wednesday, October 25, 2023."


Prabowo called it a life experience. In the middle of the speech, he joked about his personal secretary who often arranges things before the 2024 Election. Even the duration of the speech at the Santuy Presidential Concert is also arranged by the secretary.

Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice

"So brothers and sisters, this is true, yes, this is true. This is life experience. Am I limited by time, right? This is my secretary always organizing: Sir, please don't make your speech too long, Sir. (I replied) Crazy, I'm the presidential candidate!"
"ujarnya" translates to "he/she said" in English.


Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice

Prabowo admitted the importance of learning from life experiences. When humans are willing to learn, they will become wise as they age.

"So brothers and sisters, some say that I have changed. Why? Because of this. This is a lesson. Sometimes we indeed have to experience trials. Sometimes defeat is a good lesson."
Prabowo said.


Two defeats in the Presidential Election made him more humble. Prabowo openly quoted Javanese vocabulary, namely "kemlinthi," which means pretentious, tends to be stubborn and leads to arrogance.

Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice
Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice

Prabowo imagined, if he had never failed in the political contests in 2014 and 2019, it could be that he saw competing as something easy. It is not impossible, continuous success makes humans become arrogant.

Prabowo's Relaxed Reaction When Told Not as Fierce as Before: Well, It's Already Lost Twice

This is the wisdom drawn by Prabowo from his defeat in the previous presidential election a few years ago. "And sometimes, too much success is not so good. It sometimes makes people, in Javanese terms, become kemlinti (arrogant and conceited)," he concluded.

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