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Prayer to Pay Zakat Fitrah for Oneself, Wife, Children, and Family

Prayer to Pay Zakat Fitrah for Oneself, Wife, Children, and Family

Dream - Every Muslim around the world is obligated to perform the third pillar of Islam, which is to pay zakat fitrah. Generally, the payment of zakat fitrah is made from the middle of Ramadan until before the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, and the deadline is before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. There are many verses in the Quran that affirm the obligation to pay zakat fitrah along with its supplication. One of them is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 43, where Allah SWT says, "And establish prayer, give zakat, and bow with those who bow."

Based on the explanation from the National Zakat Amil Agency, zakat is a part of wealth that must be distributed by every Muslim after fulfilling the established criteria. As one of the pillars in Islam, zakat is given to those who are eligible to receive it, known as asnaf. According to the provisions in the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation Number 52 of 2014, zakat is a certain amount of wealth that must be distributed by a Muslim or a business entity owned by a Muslim, to be given to those who are eligible to receive it in accordance with Islamic teachings.

"Releasing Zakat Fitrah"

Zakat fitrah is an obligation for every Muslim, including males and females, whether they are adults or children. This zakat aims to purify oneself from anything that can contaminate the fasting worship, and must be paid before the implementation of Eid prayer.

"Conditions for Giving Zakat Fitrah"

Zakat Fitrah, or also known as zakat al-fitr, is a zakat obligation that is imposed on every individual of the Muslim community, both males and females, which is carried out during the month of Ramadan. To perform zakat fitrah, there are three requirements that must be fulfilled: Embracing the Islamic religion. Living in the month of Ramadan. Being able to fulfill basic needs without deficiency until Eid al-Fitr, and having enough time between the month of Ramadan and Shawwal to pay the zakat.


Evidence of Zakat Fitrah

"Take from their wealth a charity to purify and cleanse them, and pray for them. Indeed, your prayers bring tranquility to their souls. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (QS. At-Taubah: 103)

"Rasulullah SAW mandated the payment of zakat al-fitr with one sha' of dates or one sha' of wheat for every free Muslim, whether male or female, young or adult, and even for children. This zakat is commanded to be given before people go out to perform the Eid prayer."

(Narrated by Bukhari)

"Prayer for Giving Zakat Fitrah"

The following is the reading of the intention for zakat fitrah for oneself and those represented: "Berikut adalah bacaan niat zakat fitrah untuk diri sendiri hingga orang yang diwakilkan:" Translation: The following is the reading of the intention for zakat fitrah for oneself and those represented:


1. Prayer of Zakat Fitrah for Oneself

\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \u0623\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \u0623\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650 \ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufee7\u064e\ufed4\u0652\u0633\u064a\u0652 \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \u0650\ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri \u2018an nafsi fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala.Artinya: "I intend to give zakat al-fitr for myself as an obligation for Allah Ta'ala."


2. Fitrah Zakat Prayer for Wife

\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufeaf\u064e\ufeed\u0652\ufe9f\u064e\ufe98\u0650\ufef2\u0652 \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri \u2018an zaujati fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala.Artinya: \u201cAku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk istriku fardhu karena Allah Taala.\u201d Translation: "\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufeaf\u064e\ufeed\u0652\ufe9f\u064e\ufe98\u0650\ufef2\u0652 \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri \u2018an zaujati fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala.Artinya: \u201cAku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk istriku fardhu karena Allah Taala.\u201d" Translation: "I intend to give zakat al-fitr for my wife as an obligation for Allah Ta'ala. It means: 'I intend to give zakat al-fitr for my wife as an obligation for Allah Ta'ala.'"


3. Prayer for Zakat Fitrah for Boys

Translation: "I intend to pay zakat al-fitr for my sons, as an obligation for Allah Ta'ala. It means: 'I intend to give zakat al-fitr for my sons... (mention the names), as an obligation for Allah Ta'ala.'"


4. Prayer for Zakat Fitrah for Girls

\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufe91\u0650\ufee8\u0652\ufe98\u0650\ufef2\u0652 \u2026 \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri \u2018an binti fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala.Artinya: \u201cAku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk anak perempuanku \u2026\u2026..(sebutkan nama), fardhu karena Allah Taala.\u201d Translation: \ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufe91\u0650\ufee8\u0652\ufe98\u0650\ufef2\u0652 \u2026 \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri \u2018an binti fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala. Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for my daughter ... (mention the name), as an obligation for the sake of Allah Taala."

5. Prayer of Zakat Fitrah for Yourself and Family

\ufee7\u064e\ufeee\u064e\ufef3\u0652\ufe96\u064f \ufe83\u064e\ufee5\u0652 \ufe83\u064f\ufea7\u0652\ufeae\u0650\ufe9d\u064e \ufeaf\u064e\ufedb\u064e\ufe8e\ufe93\u064e \ufe8d\ufedf\u0652\ufed4\u0650\ufec4\u0652\ufeae\u0650 \ufecb\u064e\u0646\u0651\u0650\u064a\u0652 \ufeed\u064e\ufecb\u064e\ufee6\u0652 \ufe9f\u064e\ufee4\u0650\ufef4\u0652\ufeca\u0650 \ufee3\u064e\ufe8e \ufef3\u064e\ufee0\u0652\ufeb0\u064e\ufee3\u064f\u0646\u0650\u064a\u0652 \ufee7\u064e\ufed4\u064e\ufed8\u064e\ufe8e\ufe97\u064f\ufeec\u064f\ufee2\u0652 \ufeb7\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufecb\u064b\ufe8e \ufed3\u064e\ufeae\u0652\ufebf\u064b\ufe8e \ufedf\ufee0\ufeea\u0650 \ufe97\u064e\ufecc\u064e\ufe8e\ufedf\u064e\ufef0Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal-fitri anni wa an jami\u2019i ma yalzimuniy nafaqatuhum syar\u2019an fardhan lillahi ta\u2019ala.Artinya: \u201cAku niat mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk diriku dan seluruh orang yang nafkahnya menjadi tanggunganku fardhu karena Allah Taala.\u201d Translation: "I intend to give out zakat fitrah for myself and all those whose livelihood is my responsibility, as an obligation for Allah the Almighty."


6. Fitrah Zakat Prayer for the Delegated Person

َْٞ९ُڧِঢ়َۯَŽ“ََُْڮِۋَٮ(..…)َڮْڿًŽَ`Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal-fitri ‘an (……) fardhu lillahi ta’ala.

"Prayer of Zakat Recipient"

As a recipient of zakat, it is recommended to pray for the person who has given zakat. Here is the prayer that can be recited: ﺁﺟَﺮَﻙ ﺍﻟﻠﻪُ ﻓِﻴْﻤَﺎ ﺍَﻋْﻄَﻴْﺖَ، ﻭَﺑَﺎﺭَﻙَ ﻓِﻴْﻤَﺎ ﺍَﺑْﻘَﻴْﺖَ ﻭَﺟَﻌَﻠَﻪُ ﻟَﻚَ ﻃَﻬُ&#ufeee;ْﺭًﺍAajaraka Allahu fiima a'thayta, wa baaraka fiima abqayta wa ja'alahu laka thahuran. Meaning: "May Allah reward you for what you have given, and may Allah bless the wealth you have saved and make it a purification for you."

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