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Terkenal Pelari Cepat, Ternyata Cheetah Bisa Diburu oleh 4 Hewan Ini

Famous Fast Runner, Apparently Cheetah Can Be Hunted by These 4 Animals

Cheetah is known as the fastest land animal on this planet. This incredible speed is its main weapon in hunting its prey. However, despite being able to run fast, this animal can also be preyed upon by other carnivores. What are the animals that prey on this Cheetah? Here is a brief review.

1. Lion

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Lions are the main predators in the African savannah. Cheetah cubs are easy prey for lions. Some estimates suggest that only about 5-15% of cheetah cubs survive to adulthood in the Serengeti plains in East Africa."

Terkenal Pelari Cepat, Ternyata Cheetah Bisa Diburu oleh 4 Hewan Ini

One of the main reasons for the low survival rate is predation by lions.

2. Leopard

Cheetah is taller at the shoulder and overall taller than a leopard. The leopard is actually the shortest among big cats. However, despite being taller, the leopard is significantly stronger.

2. Leopard

When a leopard makes a big catch, they often drag the carcass up a tree to protect it from other predators.
Tiger is known to be able to drag carcasses that weigh 2-3 times their own body weight up to the top of trees.

Source: A-Z Animals


3. Hyena

Hyenas are opportunistic hunters. If there is easily obtainable food, they will immediately take it. Cheetah cubs can become targets. If left unattended, cheetah cubs become quick and almost effortless prey for hyenas.


A lone hyena has little chance of catching a cheetah. So, this animal hunts in groups.

Terkenal Pelari Cepat, Ternyata Cheetah Bisa Diburu oleh 4 Hewan Ini

The success rate of hunting hyena groups can sometimes reach nearly 75%.

4. War Eagle

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the html tags: "Eagle owls are one of the deadliest bird predators in the world. Sometimes referred to as the "air leopards." Cheetah cubs become the target of this animal. Although they may not be able to bring down adult cheetahs, abandoned cubs are vulnerable to this predator."

4. Elang Perang
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