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Puasa Daud Paling Utama Dibanding Puasa Sunah Lain, Inilah Keutamaannya yang Wajib Diketahui Umat Islam

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Fasting of Daud is the Most Important Compared to Other Voluntary Fasts, Here are its Virtues that Muslims Must Know."

The Most Important Daud Fasting Compared to Other Sunnah Fasting, Here are the Virtues that Muslims Must Know

Dream - Fasting of Daud is the most important fasting compared to other voluntary fasts. This fasting was initially practiced by Prophet Daud (as). The virtue of this fasting has been explained in the hadith of the Prophet: "The most virtuous fasting is the fasting of Prophet Daud (as), he used to fast one day and break his fast (not fast) on the next day." (Narrated by An-Nasai)

The Most Important Daud Fasting Compared to Other Sunnah Fasting, Here are the Virtues that Muslims Must Know

So, fasting Daud itself is a voluntary fast that is carried out by fasting for one day, then breaking the fast the following day. This fast is almost the same as other voluntary fasts. Where the companions of Dream start it with intention. It is also important to know that the intention for voluntary fasting, such as fasting Daud, is allowed to be done after the dawn has risen. As long as one has not done anything that invalidates the fast. Well, here are some virtues of fasting Daud as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Intention of Fasting David

Intention of Fasting David

When intending to fast, whether it is obligatory or voluntary fasting, then my friend Dream should not forget to read the intention. Just like the fast of Daud, which also requires reading the intention.

The following is the reading of the intention of fasting Dawud that friends of Dream can memorize: Nawaitu shauma dawuda lillahi ta'ala. Meaning: "I intend to fast Dawud, sunnah for the sake of Allah ta'ala." If you forget to read the intention at night, it is allowed to make the intention during the day, specifically in the morning until before sunset. Provided that you have not done anything that invalidates the fast. The following is the pronunciation of the intention during the day: Nawaitu shauma hadza al-yawmi 'an adai sunnati dawuda lillahi ta'ala. Meaning: "I intend to fast the sunnah of Dawud today for the sake of Allah ta'ala."

"The Virtue of Fasting David"

Fasting Daud becomes the most preferred voluntary fasting by Allah SWT. This fasting becomes the most important because someone who fasts Daud will do what he likes one day and abstain the next day. (Syekh 'Abdurra'uf al-Munawi in the book Faidhul Qadir)


1. Preserved from Sin

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "People who observe the fasting of Daud will be protected from sin. Both their physical and spiritual well-being will always be guarded. Therefore, when they are about to commit wrongdoing, Allah SWT bestows His mercy upon them and prevents them from doing evil."

2. Menerima Pemberian Allah dengan Lapang Dada

2. Accepting Allah's Gift with Open Heart

By fasting the Daud fast, then Allah SWT will bestow grace upon that person. Where he will accept with an open heart all of Allah SWT's blessings, whether good or bad.


3. Can Hold Emotions

Every person needs to control their emotions. One way is by fasting Daud. Being consistent in fasting Daud will help you to restrain your emotions. Because fasting itself is a way to learn patience.

4. Calming the Soul

Fasting Daud can make the soul of Dream's friend more peaceful. This is because during fasting, one can be closer to Allah SWT. Considering that Allah SWT is the Being who always provides assistance to His servants in need.

4. Calming the Soul

5. Unexpected Blessings

Running the fast of David consistently also brings goodness for the sustenance of Dream's friends. This can open unexpected doors of sustenance. This sustenance can fulfill their daily needs.

6. Household Becomes Harmonious

6. Household Becomes Harmonious

Who wants their household to always be harmonious? One way is by practicing fasting daud. InshaAllah, with fasting daud, your household will always be comfortable, peaceful, serene, and delightful.

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