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Makna Cinta Kepada Allah SWT, Sang Pencipta dan Kepada Sesama Manusia

The meaning of Love for Allah SWT, the Creator, and for fellow human beings

The Peak of Love for Allah SWT, Following the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Dream - Love is one of the elements that exist in human life. It plays a role as a filler of life and gives meaning to every step taken in the journey of life.

The Peak of Love for Allah SWT, Following the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Apart from loving fellow living beings, loving Allah SWT as the Most Compassionate and Merciful Being can elevate the essence of this love to a higher level.

Not only about fulfilling obligations as religious people, this is also the formation of a loving and understanding personal character towards others. By loving Allah SWT, we can build a foundation of true love that guides every step of our lives. However, to what extent do we understand the meaning of love? How do we love Allah SWT correctly? To answer these questions, let's delve deeper into the meaning of love for the Creator and His creatures.

"Meaning of Love in Life"

At present, unconsciously we often go through our daily lives just by working, walking alone without friends, and even driving our own vehicles that potentially have minimal social interaction. This is usually not realized until a feeling of loneliness arises.

Makna Cinta dalam Kehidupan<br>

In the Blissful Gathering event "The Pathway of Lover" held by Indonesia Syiar Network on Friday, November 17, 2023. An expert in Tafsir, Hadith, and Preaching, Shaykh Musab Penfound, revealed that recently the British government acknowledged the psychological impact of loneliness and has appointed a minister to handle such cases.

"The success of us as humans is not only determined by material achievements such as the job or vehicles we possess, but more on our ability to interact with others and feel love."

"spoken Shaykh Musab Penfound."

"Love One Another"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Diversity among humans is considered a beautiful gift, and love can be a bridge that unites differences. Without love, life will feel empty and meaningless. Therefore, love for fellow human beings is the foundation for building harmonious and meaningful relationships. Additionally, in the eyes of Allah SWT, all human beings are considered equal."


"We have made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another."
ucap Shaykh Musab Penfound.


The sentence implies that every human being has the same degree of humanity, regardless of ethnic differences. In fact, Islam also prohibits disputes and conflicts among human beings. Loving fellow human beings can start from the closest family members, such as mother, father, siblings, and siblings.

"To love Allah SWT"

Loving Allah SWT is the highest peak in the stage of love, it contains the deepest and most sacred meaning in spiritual life. One way to love Allah SWT is by following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Those who understand and practice this have illuminated their journey in life by fully adhering to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW.


"And as We have not sent you (Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds,"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "words of Shaykh Musab Penfound."

According to the interpretation of Al-Muyassar, the verse means that whoever believes in you (Muhammad), will surely be happy and safe, and whoever does not believe, will fail and suffer loss.

The Peak of Love for Allah SWT, Following the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Love for Prophet Muhammad SAW can bring comfort and make us feel that Allah SWT always watches over us with full love and affection. In addition, one of the characteristics of the righteous is those who are able to manifest peace and love for both humanity and the universe. "Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you," said Shaykh Musab Penfound. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty.

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