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Undergo Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Highlighted:

Undergo Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Highlighted: "It's Funny After a While, Cak Imin"

Dream - Presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate of the Coalition for Change, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar, underwent a medical check-up (MCU) at RSPAD Gatot Subroto on Saturday, October 21, 2023 as a requirement for registering as presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024.

Undergoes Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Is Highlighted: 'Gradually Funny Too Cak Imin'
Undergoes Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Is Highlighted: 'Gradually Funny Too Cak Imin'

Cak Imin does not have any concerns about undergoing a health test because he feels that his condition is fit, especially since all the documents have been completed.

"Alhamdulillah I have filled out all the forms, everything is ready and there is nothing to worry about. There is a section for filling out medication questions, complaints, everything is okay, hopefully it will go smoothly. There are no health complaints."

The text "kata Cak Imin dilansir dari" translates to "words from Cak Imin quoted from" in English.

Undergoes Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Is Highlighted: 'Gradually Funny Too Cak Imin'

Anies Baswedan is ready.

"Not only Cak Imin is ready to undergo a health test, Anies Baswedan is also the same. 'Alright, I'm ready. From 8 PM (during fasting),' said Anies."

Anies Baswedan Siap

"Change Clothes"

When they wanted to go to the treatment room, Cak Imin and Anies Baswedan immediately changed their clothes and wore green patient robes.

Undergoes Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Is Highlighted: 'Gradually Funny Too Cak Imin'
Undergoes Health Test, Muhaimin Iskandar's Style Is Highlighted: 'Gradually Funny Too Cak Imin'

Uniquely in the photo uploaded by Anies to Instagram, Cak Imin poses kungfu by lifting both of his hands. "Health test at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Warm up first. Me: stay calm, regulate your breathing. Gus Imin: practicing moves from Master Pai Mei," wrote Anies Baswedan on Instagram.

This post immediately invites various comments, including Cak Imin's style which does not escape attention. "Not yet finished, already mischievous. What if it becomes happier, surely the mischievous policies and decisions," said the account aribintaralawyerofficial. "Cak Imin is funny, he always brings joy," replied the account aldevi_bunda. "After a while, Cak Imin is also funny... Makes the presidential election more lively... 👏👏👏😁.. Hopefully both of you are given excellent health... Ameen.." wrote the account ratnawulan1107. "It's fun to have this kind of political style. The cheerful atmosphere brings positive vibes, happiness, and produces brilliant creative ideas," replied the account riyadimurdoko.

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