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"Viral Basement Parking of Apartments in Tangerang Flooded, Dozens of Cars Submerged"

Viral Parkiran Basement Apartemen di Tangerang Banjir, Puluhan Mobil Terendam

Dream - Basement Apartemen Serpong Garden in Cibogo Village, Cisauk District, Tangerang Regency was flooded with water levels reaching approximately 1 meter. This is due to the overflowing of the river and causing the surrounding embankment to break.

The incident occurred around 23:10 WIB, Wednesday, December 26, 2023 night. At that time, the apartment residents were resting in their respective units.

Viral Parkiran Basement Apartemen di Tangerang Banjir, Puluhan Mobil Terendam

"River overflow around the Apartment caused the embankment to break and flooded the basement parking for cars & motorcycles, at that time the water level was around 110cm. Until today, it is still submerged."

Head of Tangerang District BPBD, Ujat Sudrajat, said on Thursday, December 27, 2023, as quoted from

Viral Parkiran Basement Apartemen di Tangerang Banjir, Puluhan Mobil Terendam

At that time, the basement floor was filled with vehicles, both owned by residents and apartment management officers. After the river overflowed, suddenly water inundated the vehicles in the parking lot.

"Currently, BPBD is assisting in the temporary repair of embankments, conducting water suction, and coordinating with apartment management,"
"ujar Ajat." translates to "said Ajat."


"Dozens of Damaged Cars"

Through the Instagram account @bpbd.kabtangerang, it was mentioned that there were around 20 cars submerged in the apartment basement. "Based on the observation of BPBD Officers, the flood in SERPONG GARDEN Apartment Basement submerged more than 20 parked cars," wrote the description.

Viral Parkiran Basement Apartemen di Tangerang Banjir, Puluhan Mobil Terendam

Meanwhile, from a viral video on several social media platforms, it can be seen that the residents of an apartment in the Tangerang area are allegedly trying to save their vehicles from being submerged in the basement parking due to flooding. This moment was uploaded by the Tiktok account @zelcitra.

"Some private car alarms also sounded due to being submerged in water. Some residents tried to save their vehicles to get out of the basement. When the car doors were opened, a large amount of water came out from inside the cars."

Viral Parkiran Basement Apartemen di Tangerang Banjir, Puluhan Mobil Terendam

"Netizen Comments"

"\u201cI'm staying here, keep up the spirit, sis\ud83e\udd72\u270a\ud83c\udffd,\u201d wrote the account @Andy Raka. \u201cI thought it was a flood filter, but turns out it's really flooded,\u201d wrote the account @sia. \u201cLuckily I can still drive, quickly checked it at the workshop,\u201d wrote the account @empal gentong. \u201cI thought it was a flood filter at first... but when the water came out of the car, I realized it's real\ud83d\ude2d,\u201d wrote the account @zizivi."

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