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Viral Taruna claims to have 4 girlfriends, Mentor:

Viral Taruna claims to have 4 girlfriends, Mentor: "What would your girlfriends think if they watched the video?"

"Dream - Siswa taruna definitely have their own appeal. Many consider them to have a bright future because they will become high-ranking individuals. So don't be surprised if a siswa taruna has a girlfriend, or even more than one. That is the confession of a siswa taruna in the video uploaded by the TikTok account @herry.ghalingzain below."

Viral Taruna Claims to Have 4 Girlfriends, Mentor: How would your girlfriend react if she saw the video?
Ditanya Punya Berapa Pacar

"Ditanya Punya Berapa Pacar" translates to "Asked How Many Boyfriends/Girlfriends" in English.

Initially, the video shows a cadet standing upright in front of the mentor and his seniors. Then, he was asked by the mentor how many lovers he had. The answer given by the cadet was quite surprising. He admitted to having several lovers at the moment.

"This is a video of you, you have to be honest. How many girlfriends did he have earlier?" said the mentor in the circulating video. "Ready, the one who is very close is four," replied the cadet to his mentor."

Viral Taruna Claims to Have 4 Girlfriends, Mentor: How would your girlfriend react if she saw the video?

Have Four Girlfriends

Hearing that, it surprised the mentor and made people around laugh. Then, the mentor asked again what is meant by "dekat" to the cadet. "Does 'deket' mean the one in Jogja, Malang?" the mentor asked again. "It's the one who often comes by," the cadet answered.

Viral Taruna Claims to Have 4 Girlfriends, Mentor: How would your girlfriend react if she saw the video?

When asked what if his four lovers saw this video, the cadet from Lombok appeared confused. He planned to say that this video was just a joke.

"Old Video Becomes the Reason"

"Not only that, he will also give a reason that the video is an old video. 'What do you mean joking? How will you explain it?' the mentor continued. 'Alright, it's an old video,' the cadet replied."

Viral Taruna Claims to Have 4 Girlfriends, Mentor: How would your girlfriend react if she saw the video?

"From his four lovers, the cadet plans to invite one of his lovers to accompany him at the inauguration night. The lover he will invite is the one in Malang. 'A level 1 cadet from Lombok already has 4 girlfriends,' wrote the caption of the video."

"Netizens' Comments"

After being uploaded, the video went viral on social media and received various responses from netizens in the comment section. "My future husband is also a sailor, I admit that his exes were more than 100," wrote the account @Nona manis. "Oh my God, poor thing being caught by his other partners," wrote the account @Kasmawati. "I can't believe it, how can he handle it, even though he only has one," wrote the account @Cutshafarina_. "If he wears a uniform, he can quickly have more than one partner," wrote the account @fafah.

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