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Viral Video Moment Glass Bridge in Banyumas Shatters, Resulting in the Death of 1 Tourist

Viral Video Moment Glass Bridge in Banyumas Shatters, Resulting in the Death of 1 Tourist

Viral Video Detik-Detik Jembatan Kaca di Banyumas Pecah hingga Tewaskan 1 Wisatawan

Dream - The glass bridge at The Geong Pine Forest tourist area, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, broke when four tourists were taking selfies on it, Wednesday, October 25, 2023. As a result of the broken glass bridge, one tourist died and another was injured.

"Earlier, around 10.00 AM WIB, we received information that there was an accident, where someone fell from the glass bridge attraction."
The text translates to: "words from the Banyumas Police Chief, Commissioner Edy Suranta Sitepu, as quoted from"


Viral Video Detik-Detik Jembatan Kaca di Banyumas Pecah hingga Tewaskan 1 Wisatawan

"Tour Group"

Edy explained that the visitors who were using the glass bridge were a group of tourists from Cilacap consisting of 11 people. The group of tourists were walking on the glass bridge at around 10.00 AM. Four tourists in the group fell because there was a broken glass sheet when stepped on.


"When the glass broke, two people held onto the safety harness on the glass bridge; then two more people fell down."
clear Edy.


Viral Video Detik-Detik Jembatan Kaca di Banyumas Pecah hingga Tewaskan 1 Wisatawan

"Bridge Eligibility Check"

Two tourists who were victims identified as AI (41) suffered injuries and FA (49) was declared dead. Edy said his party had installed police lines and collaborated with several experts to determine the feasibility of the glass bridge.


"We will also conduct inspections and investigations against the manager and others, including witnesses. Currently, we are still processing the crime scene."
Edy says.


Pengakuan Saksi Mata<br>

"Witness Testimony"

Meanwhile, one eyewitness named Sanarto said that after getting off the minibus, the group of tourists first went to the toilet before trying out the glass bridge.

"After they entered the glass bridge, suddenly the sound of glass breaking was heard. When I looked, it turned out that two people had fallen and the other two were fortunately still able to hold onto the iron," said Sanarto. According to him, the workers at the tourist site immediately helped the two tourists who fell from a height of 10 meters. In fact, he admitted that he had wiped one of the victims while reciting Al Fatihah as they were taken to the car heading to RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo in Purwokerto."

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