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The meaning of the word

The meaning of the word "Skena" that is widely discussed on social media, what does it actually mean?

Dream - In recent times, the term "skena" has once again become a hot topic of discussion on social media. The phenomenon of skena, especially on TikTok, is widely talked about. Skena refers to a collective community that is able to create an atmosphere where its members can interact and have fun when they gather.

Arti Kata Skena yang Ramai Diperbincangkan di Media Sosial, Apa Sih Maknanya?

In the beginning, the term "skena" was only known among certain circles, especially among fans of specific music genres. However, lately, the use of the term "skena" has expanded to various contexts, so its meaning can vary depending on each context. If Sahabat Dream still doesn't understand what skena is, just take a look at the brief explanation below!

What does the word "Skena" mean?

The meaning of the word "skena" is not listed in the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI) because it is not considered a standard word. This is an unofficial equivalent of the English word "scene", which began to be used around the 1940s. Both "scene" and "skena" are often associated with unconventional art communities.

Arti Kata Skena yang Ramai Diperbincangkan di Media Sosial, Apa Sih Maknanya?

If examined from the slang language, "skena" is actually an abbreviation of three words, namely Sua, cengKErama, and kelaNA. If these three capital letters are combined, the word "skena" is formed.

"Acronym Form"

As an acronym, "skena" has its own meaning, namely: 1. Sua In Indonesian, "sua" means to meet, to encounter, and to get acquainted. 2. Cengkerama Cengkerama is defined as speaking with the aim of pleasing the heart, joking, kidding, and the process is done solely for fun. 3. Kelana Meanwhile, kelana means planning a journey without a definite destination, or it can be called wandering.

"Group with the Same Interests"

The meaning of the word "skena" can be summarized as a group of people who share the same interest in something. With the same interest, they enjoy socializing, interacting, and exchanging ideas. The association referred to in the meaning of the word "skena" is more inclined towards the music community. So, for example, if Sahabat Dream likes jazz music genre, they will be called the jazz scene.

Istilah Skena dalam TikTok

The term 'Skena' in TikTok

The meaning of the word "skena" on TikTok is different from its previous meaning. In this particular social media platform, "skena" is used to refer to a group of people who have a distinctive style of clothing and are fond of underground music genres.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The outfit of scene people is usually identified with oversized t-shirts that have wise words written on them. Meanwhile, children's "scene" shoes are typically identified by wearing Doc Martens while carrying a MacBook with many stickers attached. For Dream friends who don't know yet, underground music is a music genre that has several subgenres within it and usually operates independently."

"Not Referring to Negative Things"

By doing so, the meaning of the word "skena" does not refer to negative things. Because every community of people will certainly gain additional knowledge and understanding when interacting with people who are on the same frequency in a certain matter.

Often Considered Negative

However, the term "skena" that went viral on TikTok apparently is often connotated as something negative. The "skena" community is often considered as people who like to criticize other music genres that they don't like. This can happen because most of the "skena" people are those who like indie songs. Indie songs are often referred to as cool songs in several layers of society. Meanwhile, pop genre songs are considered too mainstream and already very common.

The translation of the text "Istilah Polisi Skena" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Police Term Scene".

After the emergence of the term "skena", a new term emerged called "polisi skena". What is it? Polisi skena are people who feel that they understand and comprehend music more than others out there. It is not uncommon for polisi skena to belittle and criticize other people's music taste. In essence, polisi skena are those who think they understand music better than anyone else.

"Criteria of Scene People"

People in the scene usually have recognizable characteristics, although they cannot be generalized. Usually, they have appearance criteria as follows: Like to wear band shirts or shirts with wise words. Wearing cargo pants. Usually have small tattoos. Wearing glasses. Getting piercings. Usually wearing docmart shoes. Street style.

Arti Kata Skena yang Ramai Diperbincangkan di Media Sosial, Apa Sih Maknanya?

From the brief explanation above, the essence of the word "skena" is people who gather with the same interest. Meanwhile, in the context of TikTok, "skena" refers to a group of people with a distinctive outfit and a taste for underground music.

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