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"Why is it difficult for someone to accept advice? Here are the reasons and ways to overcome it."

Every advice should be accepted with a sincere and genuine heart. By doing so, it will bring benefits to life.

Dream - Islam is a religion of advice. Every teaching brought in Islam contains valuable advice for mankind. In a hadith from Tamim Ad Dariy ra, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: "Religion is advice." The companions asked, 'For whom?' He replied, 'For Allah, His book, His messenger, the leaders of the Muslims, and the entire Muslim community.' (HR. Muslim) Every advice should be accepted with a sincere and sincere heart.

With that, only then can it bring benefits to his life. So, what about people who have difficulty accepting advice? This is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Why Is It Difficult for Someone to Accept Advice? Here Are the Reasons and How to Overcome It
Kenapa Orang Sulit Menerima Nasihat?

"Why do people find it difficult to accept advice?"

"Advice should be accepted as a provision for acting and living life. However, there are also some who find it difficult to accept advice. What is the cause?"

There are several factors that can cause someone to have difficulty accepting advice. As explained by Malin bin Dinar, "Indeed, when the body is sick, eating, drinking, sleeping, and resting will also feel unpleasant for it. Likewise, with the heart (that is sick) because it is attached to the love of the world, then advice is no longer useful for it." (Malik bin Dinar)

"How to Overcome It"

Then, how to overcome it when it is difficult to accept advice? This can be done by sitting with scholars and righteous people.

Through scholars and righteous people, Dream's friends can obtain knowledge from them. In addition, a heart that was once dead can also come back to life. As stated by Luqmanul Hakim: "Spend more time sitting with scholars, get close to them and take knowledge from them. Indeed, Allah revives the dead heart with knowledge, just as Allah revives the dead land with rain from the sky." Besides that, the essence of advice, as explained by Habib Segaf Baharun: "

""Someone who is sleeping must be awakened, and someone who forgets must be reminded. And whoever has no benefit from reminders and warnings, then he is dead.""

Why Is It Difficult for Someone to Accept Advice? Here Are the Reasons and How to Overcome It
Adab Memberikan Nasihat

"Etiquette in Giving Advice"

In giving advice, it is also important to pay attention to its etiquettes. Because in Islam, etiquettes are prioritized over knowledge. Here are some etiquettes when giving advice that are quoted from

1. Sincere Intentions

Allah SWT only accepts sincere deeds that are directed solely towards Allah SWT, and does not involve any act of polytheism. Allah SWT says: "Indeed, Allah only accepts the deeds of those who are righteous." (Surah Al-Maidah: 27) Explained by Ath Thabari: "A number of scholars of interpretation among the salaf in several places have stated that 'muttaqun' here refers to those who distance themselves from polytheism."

2. The way according to the Shariah.

In giving advice, the method used must be in accordance with Islamic law. That is why the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provided a hierarchy in denouncing evil. He said: "Whoever sees something wrong, let him change it with his hands. If he is unable to, then let him change it with his tongue. If he is still unable, then let him change it with his heart. And that is the weakest level of faith." (Narrated by Muslim)

3. Say Good Things

The next etiquette is to speak good words. Those words are gentle and contain wisdom. As Allah SWT said: "Both of you should speak gentle words, perhaps he will remember or fear Allah." (QS. Thaha: 44) On the other hand, rude, insulting, and demeaning speech does not reflect a believer.

It is also important not to underestimate others or hurt their feelings. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Indeed, a servant may speak a word that he considers insignificant, but it will lead him to the Hellfire for seventy years." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

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