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Dokter Kulit Spill Harga Perawatan Wajah 'Ani-ani', Ternyata Ada Levelnya!

Skin Doctor Spills the Price of 'Ani-ani' Facial Treatment, Turns Out There are Levels!

Skin Doctor Reveals the Price of 'Ani-ani' Facial Treatment, Turns Out There are Different Levels!

Dream - Lately, several TikTokers suspect that the facial treatments and lifestyle often carried out by 'ani-ani'. The term 'ani-ani' itself is synonymous with women who are the mistresses of wealthy men, so they are often given funds to maintain their appearance.

"Have the Same Habits"

"Who would have thought, the habits and treatments performed by 'ani-ani' have many similarities. In fact, the accommodations and types of vehicles owned are also similar."

"Similarly with facial treatments. 'Ani-ani' often has a similar facial characteristic. One of the characteristics is a 'V' shaped chin, whereas previously the woman's appearance was very different. Curious about the cost of the treatments that 'ani-ani' spends to look attractive? Check out the assumptions of 'ani-ani' treatments spilled by Dermatologist, Yessica Tania, below!"

1. Operasi Hidung

1. Nose Operation

"'Ani-ani' tends to have a pointed and slim nose. Some sources say they have their own levels."

"Nose Care Based on Level"

Women who have been working as 'ani-ani' for a long time may have undergone nose surgery or rhinoplasty at a cost of approximately Rp15-50 million. Meanwhile, women who have not been in the field for long may only undergo nose filler with a cost of Rp4-10 million. Thread lifting can also be done at a cheaper cost, around Rp2-5 million.

2. Dagu Berbentuk 'V'

2. Chin Shaped like 'V'

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 'ani-ani' chin often appears in a 'V' shape resembling the Korean beauty trend. This makes the face appear longer. Some people also find the shape of the chin strange, and their face resembles a beauty blender."

"Chin Care Based on Level"

According to Yessica, 'ani-ani' seniors might have undergone chin surgery with costs around Rp15-50 million. 'Ani-ani' beginners might only do fillers with costs of Rp5-25 million.

3. Prominent Upper Lip

3. Prominent Upper Lip

"'Ani-ani' who wants to have a more prominent upper lip in the middle area may have to spend the most expensive cost of around Rp15-50 million for the surgery."

If they do lip fillers in certain areas, the cost incurred may be around Rp5 million.

4. Tulang Pipi yang Tinggi

4. High Cheekbones

Some 'ani-ani' appear with high cheekbones. It could be influenced by makeup or cheek fillers priced around Rp5-15 million.

5. Dahi yang Glowing

5. Glowing Forehead

Their faces are also identified with glowing foreheads. This can be achieved with Botox injections, which are priced at around Rp3-6 million. They can also undergo similar treatments around the eyes to prevent wrinkles.

Total Cost of Treatment

If the total cost of 'ani-ani' treatment reaches around Rp20-170 million. How about it, Dream friends, interested in imitating the treatment? But, don't imitate the profession, okay!

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