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"5 Spices that Make Coffee Taste Richer, Each Sip is Even Better"

Dream - For coffee lovers, this dish is no longer just a drink, but part of a lifestyle. The distinctive taste of coffee is considered suitable as a beverage to accompany all-nighters or even a mandatory drink that cannot be separated from their daily agenda. By adding a touch of spices to a cup of coffee, you will experience a sensation with every sip.

Menambah Cita Rasa

"Adding Flavor"

The uniqueness of spices is also considered to enhance the pleasure of the unforgettable taste and captivating aroma in the coffee dish at that time.

5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap

Not only pleasure, these spices also have a lot of benefits for the body. Curious about what spices are suitable for coffee? Take a peek.

1. Cinnamon

Although more often associated with tea, cinnamon is also suitable for adding to coffee. This spice is believed to create a warm aroma, have aromatherapy effects, and can also be used as a substitute for sugar in your coffee.


"So, the use of cinnamon can prevent cholesterol, maintain blood sugar, and other health problems caused by sugar. Not only that, cinnamon spice also contains antioxidants, so it is good for maintaining immune system."

5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap
5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap

2. Cardamom

Cardamom has a unique aroma and taste, adding a fresh and warm sensation when mixed with a cup of coffee. In addition to its taste, cardamom is also known for its benefits to the digestive system and improving blood circulation. However, you should pay attention to consuming food and drinks in balance when mixing cardamom with coffee.


3. Nutmeg (Pala)

Not only does nutmeg give a delightful aroma, it is also known to add a unique taste to coffee. Nutmeg has a sharp flavor that can leave a lasting impression on your palate. Nutmeg also has benefits for relieving digestive disorders, improving brain function, and possessing good anti-inflammatory properties for health.

5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap

4. Peppermint

If you are looking for a fresh and enjoyable taste in your coffee, try mixing 2 drops of peppermint oil extract into it. With coffee mixed with peppermint, you can enhance your mood, so you can be happy and energized throughout the day.

5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap

5. Chili Powder

Although it may sound like a strange combination, chili powder can enhance the taste and provide significant warmth to your cup of coffee. The capsaicin content in chili can also boost energy and mental focus. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to stay up late to finish tasks.

5 Rempah yang Bikin Rasa Kopi Jadi Lebih Kaya, Tiap Tegukan Makin Mantap

Report: Monica Alycia Mutiara/ Source: is present on WhatsApp Channel, follow to know the latest information at this link

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