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10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS

"10 Countries with the Largest Sharia Financial Assets in the World, Number 1 Arch Enemy of the US"

Dream - The total global Islamic financial assets continue to grow reaching US$3.958 billion in 2021. In the next three years, or by 2026, it is estimated that the figure will move to the level of US$5.9 billion. Head of the Sharia Financial Literacy and Inclusion Group at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Muhammad Ismail Riyadi explained that the potential of Islamic finance in Indonesia is globally accounted for by global players. Based on the IFDR report in 2022, Indonesia currently ranks 7th in the world for total Islamic financial assets.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Total sharia financial assets owned by Indonesia in 2022 reached US$139 billion. Meanwhile, the world's top position is held by Iran with a total of sharia financial assets valued at US$1.235 billion."

10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS
10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS

Following in second place is Saudi Arabia, which is estimated to have a total of US$896 billion in Shariah financial assets. The neighboring country, Malaysia, occupies the third position with a total of US$650 billion in Shariah financial assets.

Apart from the financial sector, Indonesia's position in the global Islamic economy cannot be underestimated. Indonesia is the fourth largest exporter of halal products to member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Indonesia has the opportunity to add US$5.1 billion or Rp72.9 trillion to the domestic gross domestic product (GDP) from the halal industry.

10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS

"This is why these positions should also strengthen our beliefs and confidence that Islamic finance (in Indonesia) has good prospects,"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Muhammad Ismail Riyadi's words in the Media Workshop event "Synergy of BCA Syariah & Media to Enhance Literacy & Inclusion of Islamic Banking" in Sentul, Bogor Regency, West Java.


"10 Countries with the Largest Sharia Financial Assets in the World"

In detail, here are the 10 countries with the largest Shariah financial assets in the world: 1. Iran (US$1.235 billion) 2. Saudi Arabia (US$896 billion) 3. Malaysia (US$650 billion) 4. UAE (US$252 billion) 5. Qatar (US$186 billion) 6. Kuwait (US$153 billion) 7. Indonesia (US$139 billion) 8. Bahrain (US$106 billion) 9. Turkey (US$61 billion) 10. Bangladesh (US$58 billion)


"Potential of Sharia Finance Nationally"

Ismail also reported the national position of Islamic finance in Indonesia. Where the total growth of Islamic financial assets in Indonesia during the last 5 years (2018-2023) reached 13.7 percent and has reached Rp2,450.55 trillion as of June 2023.

10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS

Total assets are a calculation of the Islamic banking sector, Islamic capital market, and Islamic non-bank financial industry (IKNB).

10 Negara dengan Aset Keuangan Syariah Terbesar di Dunia, Nomor 1 Musuh Bebuyutan AS

The potential of cash endowments in Indonesia alone reaches Rp180 trillion per year according to the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI), and the potential of zakat reaches Rp392 trillion per year based on calculations by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS).

However, Ismail said that the level of literacy and financial inclusion in Islamic finance is still very low compared to the national level or a gap occurs. Based on the National Survey of Literacy and Inclusion (SNLKI) OJK 2022, the index of Islamic financial literacy only reached 9.14 percent, while financial literacy nationally reached 49.69 percent. Meanwhile, the index of Islamic financial inclusion reached 12.12 percent, while the index of financial inclusion nationally reached 85.1 percent.

Padahal Indonesia mejadi salah satu negara dengan populasi Muslim di Tanah Air. Berdasarkan laporan The Royal Islamic Strategis Studies Center (RISSC), jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang beragama Islam mencapai 237,56 juta jiwa atau 87,7 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia. "Terdapat gap yang sangat tinggi antara indeks nasional dan syariah dan gap tersebut terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Hal ini berarti kegiatan LIK masih belum dilakukan secara terintegrasi danmemperhatikan aspek syariah," kata Ismail.

Ismail mentioned several factors causing the low literacy and inclusion of Islamic finance in Indonesia, namely: 1. Low public awareness of Islamic finance 2. Weak differentiation of Islamic financial products from conventional ones 3. Inadequate human resource competency 4. Limited development of Islamic products and services 5. Suboptimal utilization of technology 6. Regulatory and capital aspects that are not yet supportive.

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