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"Calculations of Campaign Funds for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates in 2014 and 2019, How Many Presidential Elections in 2024?"

Dream - Every presidential candidate (Capres) and vice presidential candidate (Cawapres) will be equipped with campaign funds to compete on the stage of the general election (pemilu). The General Election Commission (KPU) itself has regulated the limits on campaign fund contributions for the 2024 General Election, as stipulated in KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 18 of 2023 issued on September 1, 2023. Campaign funds for the 2024 General Election can be obtained from individuals or groups, companies or non-governmental organizations, with predetermined limits.

Hitung-hitungan Dana Kampanye Capres-Cawapres 2014 dan 2019, Berapa Pilpres 2024?

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Limitations of Presidential and Vice Presidential Campaign Fund Contributions 2024".

The translation of the text while preserving HTML tags is as follows:

Sumbangan dana kampanye untuk capres dan cawapres yang berasal dari perorangan dalam pemilu 2024 maksimal sebesar Rp2,5 miliar. Adapun sumbangan dana dari perusahaan atau badan usaha maksimal sebesar Rp25 miliar. Sumbangan dana kampanye dapat berbentuk uang, barang, dan jasa. Dari batasan nominal tersebut, setidaknya bisa diketahui berapa maksimal dana sumbangan yang diterima capres dan cawapres saat ini.

The campaign fund contributions for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from individuals in the 2024 elections are limited to a maximum of Rp2.5 billion. Meanwhile, the maximum contribution from companies or business entities is Rp25 billion. Campaign fund contributions can be in the form of money, goods, and services. From these nominal limitations, it can be determined at least the maximum amount of contribution funds that the presidential and vice-presidential candidates currently receive.


Campaign Funds for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates 2019.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The campaign fund contribution limit for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates in the 2019 election is the same as in the 2024 election, where individuals are limited to a maximum of Rp2.5 billion and companies or non-governmental entities are limited to a maximum of Rp25 billion."

Hitung-hitungan Dana Kampanye Capres-Cawapres 2014 dan 2019, Berapa Pilpres 2024?

Participants of the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2019 elections are number 1 Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin who competed against number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno. Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin emerged as the winner with a total of 85,607,362 votes or 55.50 percent of the national valid votes. Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno received 68,650,239 votes or 44.50 percent of the national valid votes.

After the election, the presidential and vice presidential team reported the receipt and use of campaign funds to the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Board. The national campaign team (TKN) of Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin reported that the campaign funds used amounted to Rp606 billion. Both Jokowi and Ma'ruf Amin are said to not have made any contributions. The largest contribution from these campaign funds came from entrepreneurs.

Hitung-hitungan Dana Kampanye Capres-Cawapres 2014 dan 2019, Berapa Pilpres 2024?

The campaign funds used by the Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin pair are nearly three times the amount spent by the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno pair. The Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno National Winning Body (BPN) reported campaign funds to the General Election Commission (KPU) amounting to Rp213.2 billion. The largest contribution of funds comes from the candidate pair.

Campaign funds for presidential and vice-presidential candidates in 2014.

"Different from 2019, campaign fund contributions for presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2014 election from individuals must not exceed Rp1 billion, while companies or business entities are limited to Rp5 billion."

Hitung-hitungan Dana Kampanye Capres-Cawapres 2014 dan 2019, Berapa Pilpres 2024?

In 2014, it was the first victory for Jokowi as President together with his vice president, Jusuf Kalla. This pair, with number 2, succeeded in winning with a total of 70,997,850 votes or 53.15 percent, while their opponent with number 1, Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa, gained 62,576,444 votes or 46.85 percent. According to data from, the campaign team of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla reported that the campaign funds used for the General Election Commission (KPU) reached Rp312.38 billion. From the total campaign funds, the majority came from public donations, amounting to Rp105,844,462,408 from 60,000 people.

Hitung-hitungan Dana Kampanye Capres-Cawapres 2014 dan 2019, Berapa Pilpres 2024?

While the campaign team of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa reported that the campaign funds used amounted to IDR 166.56 billion. The largest contribution to the Prabowo-Hatta campaign came from political parties, amounting to IDR 101.7 billion, followed by the presidential and vice presidential candidates themselves, amounting to IDR 5 billion, business entities amounting to IDR 56.6 billion, group contributions amounting to IDR 1 billion, and individual contributions amounting to IDR 2.1 billion.

"Speaking of campaign contributions from the candidate couple, also known as the candidate pair, vice presidential candidate Mahfud MD, who is the running mate of presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, openly admitted that he will not spend a single penny for the campaign in this 2024 presidential election. 'You may not believe it, but I am honest, I will not spend a single penny and I am not asked to spend a single penny,' he said in an exclusive interview with Liputan6, quoted on Wednesday, October 18, 2023."

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