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Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`

"Sri Mulyani Sentil Famous Content Creator About Taxes: `Don't Make Enemies`"

Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`

Dream - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani delivered a strong message to content creators who have been enjoying income from their creative work. The woman, affectionately known as Ani, requested all content creators in Indonesia not to forget their obligation to pay taxes for the development of Indonesia.

"So if you have become the famous content creator (well-known content creator), look at and organize from the perspective of your tax obligations."

The text in Bahasa translates to: "words of Sri Mulyani quoted from, Friday, October 27, 2023."


Sri Mulyani emphasizes that taxes are the obligation of all citizens and should not be treated as an enemy. The Minister of Finance ensures that every tax revenue received by the government will be returned to the community, for example in the form of infrastructure supporting the digital ecosystem, such as the development of connectivity networks.

Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`
Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`

From the connectivity development, content enthusiasts on digital platforms such as Youtube who live in remote areas or those who do not have electricity or internet can gain access, including audiences from other countries.

"We will support anything that can enhance creativity, but do not oppose taxes. Because taxes are for Indonesia, we assist and we will be ready to support in a good way. That is our way of loving Indonesia, always taking care of us because this country belongs to us."

He said.


The government will also assist in the development of infrastructure through allocation within the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the provision of electricity connections, as well as public facilities such as toll roads, ports, and airports.

Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`

"All to be able to connect the Indonesian society with digital technology and digital connectivity," he said. The treasurer of this country hopes that content creators in digital platforms can maintain a good attitude to keep Indonesia united, sovereign, fair, prosperous, and dignified."

Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`
Sri Mulyani Sentil Konten Kreator Terkenal Soal Pajak: `Jangan Musuhi`

According to him, contents created based on the experiences and knowledge possessed by content creators should be able to bring positive impact, foster creativity, and provide inspiration to the community.

"Congratulations to all content creators and audiences. We, as the government, the Ministry of Finance, are ready to support the continuous improvement of the creative world and innovation,""

"tandasnya." translates to "the sign."

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