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"Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here are the Data"

Dream - The war between Israel and Hamas, Palestine, has become the world's attention. Many countries have condemned Israel's Zionist actions. In Aljazeera's report, more than 4,600 Palestinian citizens have been killed in the bombings carried out by Israel. Israel claims that they are targeting Hamas fighters who killed more than 1,400 people in the October 7 attack in southern Israel.

Although there has been a war, Israel continues to carry out export and import activities, even Israel is included in the top 100 richest countries in the world based on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per capita data in the World Economic Outlook 2023 from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

During this time, there have been several Israeli products circulating in Indonesia. However, it turns out that this country, which was formed on May 14, 1948, also buys products from Indonesia. Data from the Central Statistics Agency recorded that from 2016 to 2020, Indonesia's exports to Israel increased by 8.6 percent.

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

In detail, in 2016, Indonesia's exports reached US$103.1 million. The amount increased to US$125.9 million in 2017, US$123 million in 2018, US$120.6 million in 2019, and US$157.5 million in 2020. As for the period of January-March 2021, Indonesia's exports to Israel amounted to US$47.5 million.

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

"Items Exported to Israel"

Some of Indonesia's exports to Israel include animal/vegetable fats and oils, footwear, various chemical products, synthetic staple fibers, as well as food industry waste and leftovers. Previously, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) also noted that Indonesia still imports goods or products from Israel.

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

Special throughout January to September 2023, the import value from Israel reached US$14.4 million or around Rp266 billion.

"Previously, BPS also noted that Indonesia still imports goods or products from Israel. Specifically, during January to September 2023, the import value from Israel reached US$14.4 million or around Rp266 billion."

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

The Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, acknowledged that Indonesia has not had diplomatic relations with Israel. However, this does not mean that both countries cannot engage in trade.

Indonesian Products Exported to Israel, Here's the Data

"Allow me to convey that if we do not have diplomatic relations, it does not mean that economically we are not allowed to maintain trade relations. This can still be done because it is business to business in nature."

According to him/her, quoted from, Thursday, October 26, 2023.

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