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11 Kota di Dunia yang Diprediksi Tenggelam Tahun 2100, Ada Jakarta

"11 Cities in the World Predicted to Sink by 2100, Including Jakarta"

Dream - On September 10, 2019, the World Economic Forum released an article titled '11 Sinking Cities That Could Disappear by 2100'. Surprisingly, Jakarta is included in the list of predicted sinking cities. Discussions about Jakarta sinking resurfaced in the online world. So why is Jakarta included in that list?

"Cause of the Sinking City"

According to, the World Economic Forum writes that coastal cities located in low-lying areas have experienced frequent floods, including Jakarta.

Penyebab Kota Tenggelam

The cause of several cities sinking is due to the gradual rise of sea levels that slowly encroach on the coast.

11 Kota di Dunia yang Diprediksi Tenggelam Tahun 2100, Ada Jakarta
11 Kota di Dunia yang Diprediksi Tenggelam Tahun 2100, Ada Jakarta

In addition, cities are sinking due to excessive groundwater pumping, resulting in changes in pressure and volume that cause the land to sink.

"Prediction of Jakarta Sinking"

The city of Jakarta is predicted to sink up to 6.7 inches (around 17 centimeters) per year, caused by excessive groundwater pumping that leads to changes in pressure and volume. Parts of Jakarta are predicted to sink by 2050.

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The World Economic Forum also explains about the Indonesian government that has approved the plan to relocate the capital city to save around 10 thousand residents from major floods.

11 Kota di Dunia yang Diprediksi Tenggelam Tahun 2100, Ada Jakarta

Some cities in Southeast Asia are also included in the list of cities that will sink, including Bangkok, Thailand, with a sinking rate of more than 1 centimeter per year.

11 Kota di Dunia yang Diprediksi Tenggelam Tahun 2100, Ada Jakarta

List of 11 Cities Predicted to Sink in 2100

1. Jakarta, Indonesia 2. Lagos, Nigeria 3. Houston, United States 4. Dhaka, Bangladesh 5. Venice, Italy

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6. Virginia Beach, United States 7. Bangkok, Thailand 8. New Orleans, United States 9. Rotterdam, Netherlands 10. Alexandria, Egypt 11. Miami, United States.

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