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50 Kata-Kata Kerja Malam Lucu yang Menginspirasi, Jadi Pembangkit Semangat dan Menolak untuk Sambat

"50 Funny Night Work Quotes that Inspire, Become a Source of Motivation, and Refuse to Complain"

"Dream - Night work or what is called overtime certainly requires more energy. This is done by someone for a reason. For example, to pursue the completion of a project, or to earn additional income. Yes, each person's path to strive for a better future is indeed different and challenging. Even so, you must remember that what you are working for will surely yield results that can be enjoyed in the future. In addition, Dream friends can also use funny night work phrases as a source of motivation for yourself."

"Even these words can comfort you amidst the fatigue of working. Funny night work words can lighten your mental load a bit. Thus, you can regain your spirit and enjoy doing that job."

50 Funny Night Work Quotes that Inspire, Become a Source of Motivation and Refuse to Complain
50 Funny Night Work Quotes that Inspire, Become a Source of Motivation and Refuse to Complain

"Here are some funny night action words that can inspire you as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Funny Night Work Words that Inspire

"To be extraordinary, work with blood, sweat, and tears." - Sammy Smith"

Funny Night Work Words that Inspire

"The value of success is hard work, dedication to the work in front of you, and also the perseverance you put in. Whether you win or lose, always give your best self to the work that is in front of you." - Vince Lombardi "Because that great spirit makes me feel fresh as if it's still morning." "When you are tired, your mind is weary, and your body is sweating, you know that you are doing something. Keep up the spirit." "You're excited, right? I'll pick you up later and we can have dinner together."


"The sweet aroma of success emerges behind the sweat earned through hard work." - Anthony T. Hincks

"Seeing the sunlight is a sign that God is still giving us the opportunity to work."

"Work 2 or 3 times harder than others, because effort never lies about results." - Chairul Tanjung

"Now is not the time to complain, let alone give up. Every moment is for working."

"Make every test a training for my soul to become strong."

"To ensure my income is above average, I must work above average."


"All progress depends on the activity. There will be no physical or intellectual development without effort, where effort means working hard." - Calvin Coolidge"The Japanese highly respect work. Their happiness is not when on vacation, but when working."Success comes from action. Successful people keep making efforts. Successful people even make mistakes, but they do not stop trying." - Conrad Hilton"The path to success is indeed many. However, to obtain blessed wealth, you need a special recipe for that, which is prayer and hard work.""

"In success, your willingness to succeed must be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

50 Funny Night Work Quotes that Inspire, Become a Source of Motivation and Refuse to Complain

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "No one ever drowned in their own sweat." - Ann Landers"Pay attention to the state of your heart. The sincerity of the heart will calm you in your work."Have you ever known someone who is more successful than their peers? Surely, they have worked harder than it appears."The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."It's better to struggle for enjoyment than to enjoy toward difficulty."When you want to give up, look back and realize how far you have come in your efforts to achieve your goals.""

"Bear the pain first, enjoy later, soon you will become the boss, right!"Humans have the same potential and opportunities. So don't give up on striving for the best."Like the darkness of this night, my fate will remain dark unless I truly strive to change it."Compete in hard work to be the best. For the happiness of the family."Work hard. Do your best. Keep your words. Don't be too arrogant. Believe in God. Don't be afraid; and never forget your friends." - Harry S. Truman"


The stages to achieve success are long. From preparation, trial, testing, and victory.

I realize that in the end, the mindset of hard work brings its own enjoyment.

This will never end until you receive a great reward for all your blood, sweat, and tears.

- Edmond Mbiaka

If you haven't succeeded, don't care about day or night. Every moment is very valuable.

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

- Benyamin Jowett

May you who work overtime until night receive blessings from Him.

The feeling of happiness that resides in the soul is one of the signs of successful work.


"Keringat ditambah pengorbanan sama dengan kesuksesan." - Charles O. Finley translates to: "

Keringat ditambah pengorbanan sama dengan kesuksesan.
- Charles O. Finley"

50 Funny Night Work Quotes that Inspire, Become a Source of Motivation and Refuse to Complain


"The struggle you undertake today is a way to build a better quality for tomorrow." "Good things come to those who sweat." - Norman Schwarzkopf "With hard work, we will appreciate the results of our own sweat." "Let today be a day of hardship. As long as tomorrow we are spared from suffering." "Without sweat and hard work, there is no perfect work." - Latin Proverb "Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done."


"Never give up before achieving what you aspire to. Therefore, overtime is not only done by employees."To achieve success, I work when others debate, work overtime when others have fun, and pray when others are negligent."A person will become great if and only if they strive according to what they are passionate about." - Benjamin Disraeli"Be unique while you work so that you stand out. It is better to be odd yet beneficial than to follow the majority and be detrimental.""

"BWorking is not just about how to make money, but how to make it a path to God's paradise." "Think big, and act now." "Indeed, now is not my time to have fun. I believe I will be happier someday." "Achieve your victory with your own sweat." "Work when it's time to work, play when it's time to play. This is the basic rule of repressive self-discipline." - Theodor Adorno

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