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Penampakan Kantor Baru RANS Entertaiment, Vibes Mewah Seperti Kerja di Hotel<br>

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Appearance of RANS Entertainment's New Office, Luxurious Vibes Like Working in a Hotel"

Appearance of RANS Entertainment's New Office, Luxurious Vibes Like Working in a Hotel

Dream - Who doesn't know the figure of the artist and businessman Raffi Ahmad? This husband of Nagita Slavina manages various businesses under the RANS Entertainment flag. It is known that it was established in 2017, Raffi and Nagita continue to expand their business from business, fashion entertainment, to culinary.

The company, which used to only be an office in the garage with three employees, has now become a large company. The proof of its success can be seen from the super luxurious new office of RANS Entertainment. Curious about Raffi Ahmad's new office? Let's take a peek at the video.

Appearance of RANS Entertainment's New Office, Luxurious Vibes Like Working in a Hotel

Peeking at the New Office of RANS Entertainment, Luxurious like Working in a Hotel

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