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Naik dari Tahun Lalu, Menag Yaqut Usul BPIH 2024 Sebesar Rp105 Juta per Jamaah

Rising from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim.

Increased from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim

Dream - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has proposed an average cost of Hajj Worship Implementation (BPIH) for the year 1445 H/2024 M per pilgrim amounting to Rp105,095,032.34. This proposal represents an increase from the average BPIH of Rp90,050,637.26 in 2023.

The budget will be divided into two components, namely the component that will be directly charged to the Hajj Pilgrims (Bipih/Travel Expenses for Hajj) and the component that will be charged to the benefit value fund (optimization).

Increased from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim

The government uses an assumption of the exchange rate of the dollar against the rupiah at Rp16,000. Meanwhile, the assumption of the exchange rate of the SAR against the rupiah is Rp4,266. "The government considers the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in determining the components of BPIH, so that the implementation of the hajj pilgrimage can be carried out properly, at a reasonable cost," he said, as quoted from the Ministry of Religious Affairs website, Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

BPIH will be used to finance several components, including flight costs, accommodation, consumption, transportation, services at embarkation, debarkation, immigration, Armuzna services (Arafah-Muzdalifah-Mina), insurance premiums, protection, travel documents, living costs, and pilgrims' development. "The cost component of hajj flights is arranged per embarkation, taking into account the distance from each embarkation point to Saudi Arabia," explained the Minister of Religious Affairs.

Increased from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim

The Ministry of Religious Affairs and the DPR also agreed to form the Working Committee (Panja) for the Determination of the Hajj Cost (BPIH) in the year 1445 H/2024 M, which is chaired by Moekhlas Sidik.

"Quota for Hajj and Embarkation in 2024"

The quota for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2024 is 241,000. This number consists of 221,720 regular Hajj quotas and 19,280 special Hajj quotas. This number will be divided into 598 flight groups (kloter). "Panja BPIH also functions to create optimal service scenarios in the midst of a significant reduction in the number of officers, from 4,600 to only 2,120. Meanwhile, the number of our pilgrims has increased by 20,000," said the Minister of Religious Affairs.

Increased from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim

Minister of Religious Affairs stated that his party continues to communicate with the Saudi Arabian government to increase the quota of officers so that the proportion allows for the best service to be provided to the pilgrims.

There are 14 Embarkation points that will be used for the implementation of the 1445 H/2024 M Hajj pilgrimage, namely: Banda Aceh, Kualanamu, Padang, Batam, Palembang, Jakarta-Pondok Gede, Jakarta-Bekasi, Solo, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Ujungpandang, Lombok, and Kertajati.

Increased from Last Year, Minister Yaqut Suggests BPIH 2024 at Rp105 Million per Pilgrim

"For the Banten embarkation, we will still conduct simulations first. Last year it was used for the return, now we want to use it for the departure, if possible. We want to simulate it first, if it turns out to be possible and feasible, of course we will use it,""

"ungkap Menag" in English means "expressed the Minister of Religious Affairs."

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