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Create a commotion, Minister of Trade Zulhas clarifies about the statement regarding social assistance from Jokowi's money.

Create a commotion, Minister of Trade Zulhas clarifies about the statement regarding social assistance from Jokowi's money.

Dream - The statement of the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan regarding social assistance (bansos) originating from President Jokowi's money has become a polemic. His statement was also mentioned by Anies Baswedan and Cak Imin. The statement even made the Vice Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR, Aria Bima, plan to summon Zulkifli Hasan.

"Clarification from Zulkifli Hasan"

Zulkifli provided clarification regarding his statement. He admitted that as part of the Indonesian Coalition for Progress (KIM), he only intended to continue all of President Jokowi's government programs, including various types of social assistance.

Klarifikasi Zulkifli Hasan
Causing a Stir, Minister of Trade Zulhas Clarifies Statement on Social Assistance from Jokowi's Money

The coalition called Zulkifli is a combination of political parties supporting the presidential and vice-presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"Who said it's personal money? I am part of the Koalisi Indonesia Maju (Coalition for Indonesia's Progress), let's continue. We will continue and add all of Jokowi's programs,""

word Zulkifli, quoted from, Thursday, January 4, 2023.


The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The man who is familiarly called Zulhas wants the budget for social assistance programs to be continuously increased. On the contrary, he disagrees with the statements of certain parties who want the social assistance program to be stopped."

Causing a Stir, Minister of Trade Zulhas Clarifies Statement on Social Assistance from Jokowi's Money

"If there are people who want the El Nino BLT social assistance to be stopped, we want it to continue and be increased. That's approximately."

Zulhas said.

Causing a Stir, Minister of Trade Zulhas Clarifies Statement on Social Assistance from Jokowi's Money

Apart from social assistance, Zulhas also supports the development of the National Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. As well as a savings program for Islamic boarding schools. "We will continue and increase all of Jokowi's programs. For example, the savings for Islamic boarding schools will continue and be increased, the new capital city will continue and be increased," said Zulhas.

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