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List of Countries with the Strongest Passports in the World in 2023

List of Countries with the Strongest Passports in the World in 2023

Dream - Not only about military or economic matters, the power of a country can also come from the strength of its passport. Of course, evaluating these three aspects cannot be compared nominally. The power of a passport is identified by how far the identification card can penetrate the borders of other countries when traveling. Recently, the Henley Passport Index released the latest ranking of the strongest passports in the world for 2023. As a result, Japan has been thrown off as the country with the strongest passport in the world for the first time in the last five years.

"Singapore Number 1"

Meanwhile, Singapore occupies the first position in the latest Henley Passport Index 2023 ranking.

Daftar Paspor Terkuat di Dunia Tahun 2023, Jepang Terlempar Setelah 5 Tahun `Bertahta`

According to Euronews, Singaporeans enjoy visa-free access to 192 out of 227 tourist destinations worldwide.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Lion Country has gained visa-free access to 25 additional countries over the past 10 years, pushing it up five ranks."

Daftar Paspor Terkuat di Dunia Tahun 2023, Jepang Terlempar Setelah 5 Tahun `Bertahta`

Japan dropped to third place. At the beginning of 2023, Japan held the top position with visa-free access to 193 countries. That number has now decreased to 189 countries, leaving Singapore in first place.

Daftar Paspor Terkuat di Dunia Tahun 2023, Jepang Terlempar Setelah 5 Tahun `Bertahta`
Daftar Paspor Terkuat di Dunia Tahun 2023, Jepang Terlempar Setelah 5 Tahun `Bertahta`

Three European countries are in second place, namely Germany, Italy, and Spain, with visa-free access to 190 destinations.

"Top 10 Strongest Passports in the World"

Top 10 strongest passports in the world: 1. Singapore 2. Germany, Italy, and Spain 3. Japan, Austria, Finland, France, Luxembourg, South Korea, and Sweden 4. Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, and United Kingdom

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5. Belgium, Czech Republic, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland 6. Australia, Hungary and Poland 7. Canada and Greece 8. Lithuania and the United States 9. Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia 10. Estonia and Iceland

How to rank passports? Henley Passport Index ranks the strongest passports in the world and is updated every three months. This is based on the number of destinations that can be accessed by passport holders without a visa.

The following is the translation of the text from Bahasa to English while preserving any html tags: "The global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners uses data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to determine the ranking of 199 world passports. This index has been running for 18 years. Countries receive one point for each visa-free destination. This applies if citizens can obtain a visa upon arrival, visitor permits, or electronic travel authorization (ETA) when entering the destination."

There are no points awarded for destinations that require a visa or passport holders must obtain a government-approved e-visa prior to departure.

Daftar Paspor Terkuat di Dunia Tahun 2023, Jepang Terlempar Setelah 5 Tahun `Bertahta`
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