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Newlyweds Failed Honeymoon to Turkey Due to Wet Passport, Loses Rp53 Million.

Newlyweds Failed Honeymoon to Turkey Due to Wet Passport, Loses Rp53 Million.

Dream - A newlywed couple in Malaysia had to cancel their honeymoon trip to Turkey because their passports got soaking wet. The wet passport belongs to Muhammad Fikry, who has been working as a cleaner in Singapore for over three years.

"Wet Soaked Passport"

To AsiaOne, he admitted that his passport was soaking wet after being caught in heavy rain on his journey back to Malaysia on Saturday, December 16, 2023.

"There is heavy rain and thunderstorm at the Tuas Checkpoint, and heavy rain also falls in Johor," said the 29-year-old man. According to mStar website, Fikry just realized that 80 percent of his passport was wet after arriving home in Johor. "His bag is not waterproof, and his passport does not have a cover," he explained.

Because Fikry and his wife, Nur Amira Fatin, were busy with last-minute preparations for their nine-day honeymoon, they did not immediately dry the wet passport.

Pengantin Baru Ini Gagal Bulan Madu ke Turki Gegara Paspor Basah, Rugi Rp53 Juta

This couple joined a tour group organized by a travel agency and scheduled to fly to Turkey from Kuala Lumpur International Airport one day after heavy rain on December 17th.

Pengantin Baru Ini Gagal Bulan Madu ke Turki Gegara Paspor Basah, Rugi Rp53 Juta
Pengantin Baru Ini Gagal Bulan Madu ke Turki Gegara Paspor Basah, Rugi Rp53 Juta

However, when this couple arrived at the airport around 1 a.m., Fikry found that his passport was still wet and they did not have a tool to dry the document.

"Fikry, who was in a panic, quickly rushed to dry his passport in the airport toilet, but he was informed during check-in that his passport had been damaged due to water exposure. 'Even if I can pass through (Malaysia immigration), there might be problems when I arrive in Turkey,' he said to mStar. The man also revealed that he initially cried at the airport, but realized that he was at fault."

His wife also decided to stay in Malaysia and cancel their honeymoon trip.

Pengantin Baru Ini Gagal Bulan Madu ke Turki Gegara Paspor Basah, Rugi Rp53 Juta

Fikry told AsiaOne that he has been saving for their honeymoon since his engagement with Amira in April of this year. The couple got married in November. Unfortunately, they are unable to retrieve the amount of RM16,000 or approximately Rp53 million that they have paid to the travel agent. However, Fikry hopes to visit Turkey with his wife next year.

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