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"Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements"

ilustrasi santri
Illustration of santri

Dream - The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) is opening registration for the Excellent Student Scholarship Program (PBSB) 2024. The registration period will take place from July 3rd to July 13th, 2024. The scholarship quota for students this year is targeted at 1,000 students.

Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements

"Alhamdulillah, online registration for PBSB will be open starting from July 3, 2024. PBSB is an opportunity for students across Indonesia. Therefore, we invite students to take advantage of this opportunity and register themselves by completing the predetermined requirements,"

Plt Director of Diniyah and Pondok Pesantren Education (PD Pontren) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Waryono Abdul Ghofur, said in his statement, quoted on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.


Waryono said there are many opportunities for students to obtain scholarships at 35 partner universities and 97 study programs through the utilization scheme of the Pesantren Abadi Fund (DAP). These scholarships will be available for undergraduate (S1), master's (S2), and doctoral (S3) studies.

Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements
Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: The offered study programs include fields such as Religious Studies, Management, Education, Science and Technology, Medicine, Health, Economics, and Social Humanities

PBSB 2024 is a scholarship program that enters its second year in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) of the Ministry of Finance. This collaboration includes the management and funding of degree scholarships sourced from the Pesantren Endowment Fund (DAP) for graduates of Islamic boarding schools, Dayah, Surau, Meunasah, or other equivalent terms.

"PBSB is designed to provide broader opportunities for graduates of integrated educational units with Pesantren, in order to develop interests, talents, and mastery of scientific disciplines, as well as in the context of dedication to Pesantren,""

word Waryono.

Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements

The scholarship registration process can be done through the Pusaka Kementerian Agama application or through the website https:\/\/\/pbsb.

"General Requirements"

Santri Indonesian Citizens. Santri originating from pesantren registered with the Ministry of Religion, evidenced by possession of the Pesantren Statistical Number (NSP) and actively updating data in the EMIS of the Directorate General of Islamic Education. Santri originating from PDF/SPM/PKPPS/Ma'had Aly and/or MAS/MAN/SMA/SMK educational units that are organized and/or integrated and/or located within the pesantren environment and/or are part of the pesantren.

Santri mukim minimal 3 (tiga) tahun berturut-turut, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan yang ditandatangani oleh pimpinan Pesantren. Memiliki akhlaq terpuji dan layak mengikuti seleksi PBSB direkomendasikan oleh Pimpinan Pesantren dibuktikan dengan Surat Rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Pesantren Asal Santri. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Arab. Memiliki kemampuan membaca dan memahami Kitab Kuning. Memiliki wawasan dan komitmen implementasi nilai-nilai keislaman yang rahmatan lil'alamin.

Having insights and commitment to implementing the values of religious moderation, nationalism, patriotism, and integrity. Having academic and non-academic achievements by attaching the report card for the last 1 (one) year, certificates, or certificates.

Scholarships for 1,000 Students Opened, Check the Requirements
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