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Hotel Facilities in Madinah and Mekah Are Different, These Are the Items That Pilgrims Must Prepare

Hotel Facilities in Madinah and Mekah Are Different, These Are the Items That Pilgrims Must Prepare

Dream - Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims wave II began departing from Mecca to Medina gradually on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Pilgrims will be in Medina for about eight to nine days. The Head of the Makkah Work Area, Khalilurrahman, conveyed that there are several differences between hotels in Mecca and Medina. He also urged pilgrims to prepare their worship needs in the city of Medina since they are still in Mecca.

Hotel Facilities in Madinah and Makkah Are Different, These Are the Items that Hajj Pilgrims Must Prepare

"Unlike in Makkah, where the distance from the hotel to Masjidil Haram is relatively far, requiring a Shalawat Bus, in Madinah the hotel is close to Masjid Nabawi. The distance from the hotel to Masjid Nabawi is approximately 500 meters," said Khalilurrahman as quoted from the Kemenag website, Wednesday, June 26, 2024."

Hotel Capacity is Smaller

Selain itu, ia mengatakan bahwa kapasitas hotel di Mekah pun berbeda dengan di Madinah. Ia menyebut, kondisi itu berdampak terhadap penempatan jemaah "Kapasitas hotel di Madinah tidak sebanyak di Makkah. Bila di Makkah satu hotel ada yang bisa menampung sampai 20 ribu jemaah, di Madinah paling sekitar 1.500 an," ucap Khalil. "Jangan kaget kalau nanti ada kloter yang terpisah penempatannya," ujarnya.

"Setting the Elevator Down Time"

Because of the smaller capacity, it is not surprising that the hotel lobby in Madinah is smaller compared to Mekah. Therefore, pilgrims are asked to manage their time to take the elevator when they want to pray in the Mosque. "However, it is also important to remember that the number of hotel elevators in Madinah is limited. So, if you want to pray fardhu in Nabawi, pilgrims also need to manage their time to take the elevator," he added.

Tak Menyediakan Mushala

Does not provide prayer room

Besides that, the lodging for pilgrims in Madinah also does not provide a prayer room. "It's different in Makkah, the lodging in Madinah does not provide a prayer room," said Khalil.

There is no place to wash and dry clothes.

Accommodation for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in Madinah is a 3 to 5-star hotel, so it does not provide laundry facilities like in Makkah. Therefore, pilgrims are expected to prepare enough spare clothes for their activities in Madinah. \


"Prioritize Visiting Raudhah"

During in Madinah, the pilgrims will visit several locations, such as Raudhah, Masjid Kuba, Jabal Uhud, and so on. The pilgrims will use tasreh that has been registered by Bimbad Madinah to enter Raudhah.

"If the schedule to Raudhah coincides with a visit to other sites, Khalil asks the congregation to prioritize visiting Raudhah. "Prioritize visiting Raudhah first. Because this schedule cannot be repeated. If it is missed, the congregation will not have another chance. Therefore, make sure not to miss the schedule to Raudhah," Khalil's message."

Hotel Facilities in Madinah and Makkah Are Different, These Are the Items that Hajj Pilgrims Must Prepare

"Take Care of Physical Condition and Bring Protective Equipment"

He urged the congregation to maintain their physical condition while in Madinah. "Remember to always take care of your physical condition. Do not push yourself too hard in worship. Always use personal protective equipment when leaving the accommodation," he emphasized. "Don't forget to use sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses. Also, bring an umbrella and a spray bottle. One more thing, don't forget to drink frequently to avoid dehydration," he said.

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