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"140 Sad Heart Touching Words for Boyfriend, Making You Cry and Very Touched"

Pour out your hidden feelings with sad words that will touch your girlfriend's heart and make her cry!

Dream - Building a relationship with someone is essentially uniting two hearts and minds that are different. It is not surprising if conflicts and differences of opinion arise from time to time. Especially if our partner starts to change or become more indifferent. Frustration and disappointment will surely accumulate in the chest. It is not wise if you let those feelings pile up. Because someday, all those buried emotions can explode and ultimately lead to a big fight until both of you eventually break up.

140 Touching Sad Words for Girlfriend, Makes You Cry and Touched

"Before it actually happens, express your hidden feelings using sad words that will touch and make your girlfriend/boyfriend moved and cry. The hope is that your partner will understand your feelings better."

"Words that Make Your Girlfriend Touched and Cry"

"I know how to run as far as possible, but the hardest part is thinking about leaving you." "I'd rather sleep and never wake up again because it hurts too much to open my eyes without you by my side." "If you only come to hurt me, it's better if we don't be friends at all."

"Never give someone false hope because in the end it hurts so much." "I don't know how to hate you properly, just like you don't know how to love me properly." - Fiersa Besari "Even when you leave me, this heart wants to speak to hold back your departure." "It's not that this heart isn't in pain and it's not that this heart isn't broken, it's not that this heart isn't hurting, but only surrender accompanies it."

"The park, these flowers, everything here is a witness that you and I were once that close, but now I realize that you are no longer mine." "You and I were once as close as the pulse, but now we are like the sun and the earth." "Like the night, it also mourns when it knows that I am not meant for you." "If leaving our love makes you happy, then do it! Go towards your new love."

"Then how should I forget you? Every tone is your voice and every gust of wind is your heartbeat." "Letting you go is not the best choice, but asking you to come back is not the right thing to do. Surrender everything to Allah because only His destiny is the best." "When you run with a smile, I am silent and helpless to embrace you because for you, I never existed." "These eyes never tire of searching for you, even though all that exists are mere shadows and white mist."

"If you always spend all your time with your friends, why don't you spare even a little time for me?" "Just let it be, I can handle it on my own. Don't care about me anymore. You're free now! Do whatever you want." "I'm disappointed in you because staying together should make us stronger, not more fragile." "It's better to wait for someone who is right for me, rather than being with someone who never considers my existence."

Sad Words that Touch the Heart, Make Boyfriend Touched and Cry

"The color of your face is indeed beautiful, but unfortunately, what is implied is only sadness, your gaze looks at me with melancholy." "You should never make me love you until in the end you disappoint me." "It's okay if you can't repay all the kindness I've given, but don't repay it by giving me suffering."

"There are many things that I have given to you, but you never understand or even consider me important." "The clouds outside may quickly pass, but the clouds in this heart somehow take a long time to disappear, maybe because the missing rib has not been found yet." "We used to share, even promised never to leave each other and to always be together again even when storms come, but now you leave me alone."

"Being a seeker of serenity, with loneliness only because of you I am able to pass the time." "When we are far apart, never ever hate the distance, because truly distance makes longing happen." "At least, when we are separated by distance, remember that there is someone waiting for you to come home quickly." "Although I am not ready to miss you, I am not ready without you, I hope the best for you. - Endank Soekamti" "I am not able to forget you but I am capable of letting you go."


“Emptiness is like a step without a trace, dusk but not orange, love but not acknowledged.”

“Stay calm, I believe distance will surrender, because it is tired of hearing longing.”

“Falling in love taught me how to be brave. Also, how to be patient when you leave me alone.”

“Perhaps happiness with you is just like a dream, but let that dream continue to accompany me in every sleep.”

“I enjoy every second with you, if someday you leave, I have all of that in my memories.”


"My shoulder may not always be there when you are sad and crying, but my love will always be there for you." "Do not place me among sad faces on your happy days." "I am just a meaningless sparkle out there. But if the dark night embraces you, I will be your guiding star." "Laughed at by distance and time, accompanied by hopes that I feel are unreal. But I trust this patience only to you.""

140 Touching Sad Words for Girlfriend, Makes You Cry and Touched

"Good morning to you over there, even though we only greet each other through virtual space. But there is always hope for a real meeting, and I have entrusted everything in prayer."

"Sad Words Touch the Heart So Much for My Boyfriend"

"Kamu seperti hujan, turun dan reda tak beraturan, sedangkan aku adalah tanaman yang setia menunggumu turun.""Kamu mengerti bagaimana akhirnya aku harus menyerah untuk melupakanmu yang begitu berarti. Kamu memilih diam saat aku menyeka lembab hujan di sudut gelap mataku.""Aku dan kamu pernah seerat nadi, namun kini aku dan kamu bagai matahari dan bumi."


“You ignored me so loudly that it deafened my ears. This silence is so deep that it echoes.”

“I hope you continue to remember that the highest point of disappointment is not caring anymore at all.”

“When trust is broken, apologies no longer have any meaning.”

“If you are not happy with me, then at least be happy without me.”

“I may often be patient, but it would be better if you didn't test my patience.”


"Kamu akan benar-benar kecewa jika kamu berpikir orang akan memperlakukanmu seperti kamu memperlakukan mereka. Tidak semua orang memiliki hati yang sama sepertimu." "Lebih menyakitkan diabaikan daripada dibenci, karena itu membuatmu merasa seperti tidak berarti." "Kamu yang membuat aku mengerti arti dari kecewa dan patah hati.""Hal tersulit adalah ketika aku sakit untuk bertahan denganmu, tapi aku juga tak mampu hidup tanpamu.""

"What I know is, a lover can make us happy. However, why do I feel heartache and disappointment instead?""At some point in life, you should know, some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.""I am the only person who loves you, even though you keep giving me reasons to leave.""I can say that I'm fine while shedding tears in front of you and you will still believe me.""

"We are both busy, I am busy thinking of you, you are busy thinking of yourself."I am never surprised when people disappoint me now. I just hate the fact that I put myself in a position to be disappointed in the first place."I am here missing you, there are no other words for me except that word."The greatest joy and heartache come from our relationships with others." - Stephen R. Covey"

"Sad Words for a Girlfriend that Make You Cry"

"At least, when we are separated by distance, remember that there is someone waiting for you to come home soon." "Just let it be, it's enough that I feel this way. Don't care about me anymore. You are free now! Do whatever you want." "Even though I am ready to miss you, I am not ready without you. I wish the best for you."

"If you always spend all your time with your friends, why don't you spare even a little time for me?" "And when it rains, sadness comes just like when I see you both under the same umbrella and sharing feelings." "It's better to wait for someone who is right for you, rather than being with someone who never considers my existence." "True love is when you can still make them happy, even when they are not with you."

"I am disappointed in you because staying together should have made us whole, not more fragile.""Maybe I am the only one missing you, shedding tears, and hoping to meet soon.""If leaving our love makes you happy, then go! Go towards your new love.""Allow me to dream that this world belongs to the both of us, even though when I wake up, I know for sure that you belong to it.""It would be better for me to leave your life because I am no longer anyone in your heart. I am loyal to you while you are unfaithful, I love you but you go away."


"I don't even remember why I wasted all these tears for you." - Cassadee Pope

"Loneliness is not the feeling when you are alone, loneliness is the feeling when no one cares about you." - Robin Williams

"There is a sea of silence between us and I am drowning in it." - Ranata Suzuki

"If time ruins our relationship, then I hate it (time)." - Maira Zafred Marinho Mesel

"There is nothing as beautiful as that moment. When the world is full of laughter." - La Luna


"I can't eat, I can't drink. The happiness of youth and love has gone. Once very happy, but now very miserable, and life is no longer alive." - Plato"You can close your eyes when you don't want to see something, but you can't close your heart to not feel something." - Johnny Depp"When you remember how you fell in love for the first time, you will realize how you are no longer loved." - David Grayson"

"Words that Make Boyfriend Touched and Crying"

"My heart was not made to feel this. Honestly, I am tired of feeling sad and shedding tears. 'If my absence is just ordinary to you, then my existence means nothing to you.' 'The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference.' 'Teach me to be heartless in not giving any news for that long, like what you do to me all the time.'"

"True love is not a game of hide and seek. In true love, two people search for each other." - Michael Bassey Johnson "Some people are hurt by words and some by actions. But, the biggest hurt, I believe, is when someone ignores you when you value them more than anything else." "You made me feel special at one point until you realized that I wasn't even worth your time."

140 Touching Sad Words for Girlfriend, Makes You Cry and Touched

"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you've never met."

"Is there still room? If there is, I will go home. If there isn't, let me go." "If dating is suspended, it's better to hang your heart on the door as a keychain. It will be more useful." "Today I miss you. What about your words that you will never leave me alone?" "For you, I dedicate everything. But you are heartless and disregard my feelings."


"My heart was not made to feel this. I'm tired of feeling sad."

"Basically, you're just lonely and you meet me for entertainment. Then, when you start to feel happy, you disappear again."

"The truth is I have to stop bothering you because you don't care like I do about you."

"Falling in love is the most beautiful thing on earth. But love is also what can make you fall anytime."


"Never make the person you love feel alone, especially when you are there." "The sad part of this reality is that even when I try to make time just for you, you forget about me." "Don't let someone who has left you make you sad and not want to know what love is." "I miss you. No, let me correct myself. I miss the old you, who cared about me."

Words that Make Your Girlfriend Touched and Make Her Cry a Lot

"We are only distant but not separated. In your embrace, my love, I will come home." - Fiersa Besari "You are too far for my hands to embrace you, but too close for my heart to love you." - Heraline "Distance means nothing when someone means everything."

"I miss your voice so much. But after hearing your voice, I miss you even more. I long to gaze at your face. But after exchanging photos with you, I miss you even more. What does this longing want?" "I want to write 'I miss you' on a brick, then throw it at you, so you know that I am in pain missing you here." "Longing says, it is patience. To win it, we only need to be friends with time, wait, and be capable." - Anonymous "No matter how far you go, I still carry your shadow." - Boy Candra

"Time that will bring us together, time that will prove the depth of our love to be together. They underestimate us because they are unable to be like us, even separated by distance, we remain faithful to each other." - Anonymous "Actually, LDR is loneliness wrapped in a long distance relationship status." "I have loyalty for you even though I cannot provide enough distance and time for your life." "The longer we don't meet, hopefully it becomes a thick pile of longing."

"We are strange, aren't we? We've been apart for so long, but when we meet, it feels like a very short time. We are indeed different from others and still proud." "Long-distance relationships are unique, with few meetings, but a lot of happiness is felt." "I hope you and I will soon be together, just like coffee and books that blend temporarily. And they call us LDR." "What is far is only a physical distance, not a feeling. What is distant is only the body, not the heart.""

"In true love, the smallest distance is too far, and the greatest distance can be bridged." "Long-distance relationships will be easy to maintain if we're not in a long-distance relationship at all." -Anonymous "The days have changed, but longing is difficult to compromise. I miss you, again and again!" "Missing you is like sudden and enduring rain. And even after the rain stops, my longing still lingers." "So should I pretend not to miss you?"

"Sad Words That Touch the Heart So Much That Makes You Cry"

"Sendu ini seperti hujan yang tak pernah reda, selalu basahi hatiku yang rapuh." "Air mata tak bisa berbohong, ia menceritakan kepedihan yang terlalu dalam." "Hatiku rapuh, seperti kaca yang hancur berkeping-keping." "Seperti layangan yang putus talinya, aku merasa terlepas dari segalanya."

"Tonight is quiet, but my heart is noisy with unspoken emptiness." "This longing is like a wound that never heals, gaping in the depths of my heart." "Like a fallen leaf, I feel powerless in the struggle against time." "This heart is like a coffin, locked in eternal solitude." "This loneliness feels more profound than the darkness of the silent night."

"When words are unable to describe, tears become the silent speaker of my emotions." "Like a withered flower, my heart no longer shines like it used to." "Leaving is the art of hurting hearts, and I have become the painter too often." "Memories of you are sharp swords that relentlessly stab." "This loneliness feels like a heavy burden that never goes away.""

"These tears are silent witnesses of wounds too deep to be spoken." "This rain is like the sky's cry that merges with the sobs of my heart." "In this silence, I feel lost in unspoken emptiness." "Losing you is like losing a star in the sky, irreplaceable." "Like a torn sail, my heart is trapped in an uncontrollable storm of emotions." "This broken heart feels like crossing a desert without a companion."

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