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"5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It"

5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It

Dream - When stomach acid rises to the esophagus, pain and discomfort in the stomach can certainly be unpleasant. Those who experience it can feel very weak and in pain, to the point where they cannot even engage in activities.

5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It

The sensation can occur after eating a large amount or immediately sleeping after eating. What actually causes the increase in stomach acid, and how can we prevent it?

5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It

The main trigger for increased stomach acid.

The rise of stomach acid occurs when stomach acid moves upwards and enters the esophagus. This can become a serious problem if it happens continuously, as it can cause damage to the tissues in the esophagus. Some common causes of the rise of stomach acid include: 1. Pregnancy This condition commonly occurs due to increased pressure on the stomach during pregnancy.

5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It

2. Obesity Excessive body weight can increase pressure on the stomach and weaken the muscles that close the esophagus. 3. Smoking Smoking can relax the muscles that close the esophagus, allowing stomach acid to rise up. 4. Eating and Drinking Habits Fatty foods, caffeinated beverages like coffee, and alcohol can increase stomach acid production. 5. Hiatal Hernia This condition occurs when the upper part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, allowing stomach acid to rise up.

5 Main Triggers of Stomach Acid, Find Out How to Prevent It

"How to Prevent Acid Reflux"

Lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of acid reflux. Here are some steps that Sahabat Dream can take. Eat in small but frequent portions. Avoid eating large meals and eating too quickly. Try to lose weight if overweight. Reduce physical and mental stress by relaxing.


Avoid: Eating or drinking that can trigger an increase in stomach acid. Eat 3-4 hours before sleeping. Wearing tight clothing around the waist. Smoking. Stopping the use of prescribed medication without consulting a doctor. Source:

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