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Record, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Record, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Dream - Dealing with bloated stomach in the morning will definitely be very annoying. We also become uncomfortable and it messes up our mood. There are many things that trigger bloated stomach.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Friend, Dream often experiences bloating in the morning? If yes, make sure you consume a breakfast menu that is stomach-friendly. One of the foods that can relieve bloating in the morning is bananas.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Why bananas? Nutrition experts explain that bananas are low in FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols). This means that this food tends not to cause stomach pain if the stomach is highly sensitive.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

In addition, bananas are also rich in fiber which is good for digestion. Fiber helps to keep the intestines regular and prevent constipation, which can make you feel bloated and look swollen.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Consuming bananas can also make you feel full, so there is less chance of overeating throughout the day. Another thing about bananas is that they can help prevent and reduce bloating because they are rich in potassium.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Experts say that potassium helps control the level of sodium in the body, which may reduce water retention and bloating. Not only that, bananas also contain important nutrients such as vitamin B6 that support overall digestive health.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

In short, consuming bananas in the morning is good for the digestive system and can relieve bloating. You can even combine it with a bowl of fiber-rich oatmeal for a delicious and nutritious dish that will be loved by the intestines.

Note, Breakfast Menu that Can Help Relieve Bloated Stomach

Having many benefits, it is advisable not to eat too many bananas, the best portion is one or two fruits per day. Eating too many bananas can cause weight gain because they contain carbohydrates and sugar.

Make sure your diet menu also includes a variety of different fruits and vegetables to make it more balanced. If you eat too many bananas or other high potassium foods, it can cause too much potassium in the body. This is called hyperkalemia, which can cause weakness, fatigue, numbness, or tingling. Report by Aykaputri Amalia Rahmani / Source: Brightside

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