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7 Doa Meminta Kesabaran untuk Hadapi Cobaan yang Sulit Diatasi

7 Prayers for Patience in Facing Difficult Challenges That Are Hard to Overcome

Dream - Humans are often faced with various challenges and tests that test their patience. From small everyday problems to seemingly difficult trials, patience is the key to staying strong and calm. However, maintaining patience is not an easy matter. It requires mental strength accompanied by prayer as one way to seek strength and peace from Allah to remain patient in facing all situations. That is why it is important for everyone to ask for patience when facing the trials of life. In this article, Dream will share a prayer reading that you can recite to ask for patience.

"May these prayers not only help you navigate challenging days, but also bring you closer to tranquility and peace. Let's explore this collection of prayers to strengthen our souls in facing life's tests."

7 Prayers for Patience in Facing Difficult Challenges

1. Prayer for Patience in Facing Difficult Challenges That Cannot be Overcome

اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين، اجعلني صبورًا في مواجهة مصاعب الحياة، وامنحني القوة لتحمل كل بلاء واختبار. اللهم ثبت قلبي على الإيمان، وارزقني الصبر في كل الشدائد. "O Allah, the Most Merciful, make me patient in facing the difficulties of life, and grant me the strength to endure every affliction and trial. O Allah, keep my heart firm in faith and bless me with patience in all hardships."


Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, make me a patient person in facing the difficulties of life, and grant me the strength to endure every trial and test. O Allah, strengthen my heart in faith, and grant me patience in every difficulty I face.'"


2. Prayer for Patience and Strength

Allahummarzuqnish-shabri 'indal-bala'i, wash-shukri 'indan-ni'ma'i, war-ridha' 'indal-qada'i Translation: "O Allah, grant me patience in times of hardship, gratitude in times of blessings, and contentment in every decree of Yours."


3. Prayer for Strength in Trials

Allahummaj'alni minas-shabirin, warzuqnil-quwwah fi muwajahat al-mihan wal-ibtala'at


4. Prayer for Patience in Facing Exams

Allahumma la taj'al bala'id-dunya akbaru min qudrati, wamnahnis-sabri wal-yaqin fi kulli ma qadratuhu 'alayya


5. Prayer for Patience and Courage

"O Allah, make my patience in facing the problems of this world like the patience of Prophet Ayyub, and grant me strength and steadfastness in every test."


6. Prayer for Steadfastness of Heart

Allahumma tsabbitni 'ala shabrika, waj'alni minalladzina yatakhammalunas-sa'ab bi tsiqah fika


7. Prayer for Patience in Difficulties

Allahumma a'inni 'alas-sabri fil-awqatil 'asibati, warzuqnil iman war-ridha bi-qadha'ika Translation: "O Allah, help me to be patient in difficult times, and grant me faith and contentment with Your decree."

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