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Reasons for Long Year-end Holidays Feel Gloomy Instead of Fresh

Reasons for Long Year-end Holidays Feel Gloomy Instead of Fresh

Alasan Libur Panjang Akhir Tahun Bukan Fresh Malah Terasa Murung

Dream – A long year-end vacation is often considered a fun moment and an opportunity for healing because Dream friends can engage in various exciting activities.

Alasan Libur Panjang Akhir Tahun Bukan Fresh Malah Terasa Murung

Although, not everyone can heal and stay cheerful until the holidays are over. Some people actually feel stressed after the holidays. That feeling is often called post-holiday blues.

Apa Itu Post-Holiday Blues?

What is Post-Holiday Blues?

According to Psychoterapist, Angela Ficken, post-holiday blues is the sadness felt after a vacation.

"Post-holiday blues itself is a feeling of disappointment that arises after meeting family or friends," said Ficken. This can also be felt after attending big events such as holidays or weddings. Symptoms of post-holiday blues include regret, a sense of emptiness due to quieter activities, loneliness due to lack of gatherings and events, sadness due to the end of the vacation, and difficulty sleeping due to stress."

Cause of Post-Holiday Blues

According to Psychologist Mike Dow, post-holiday blues can be caused by several reasons. Such as feeling envious of others being happy during the holiday, loneliness, family problems, previous mental health issues, and excessive alcohol abuse during the holiday. To reduce the risk of feeling down and post-holiday stress, try doing this.


Prepare Yourself for Post-Holiday Blues

Determine Limits Determine holiday limits and do not force yourself to attend events that cause stress, especially if they involve family or disliked traditions.

Prepare Yourself for Post-Holiday Blues

Avoid comparing your holiday moments with others on social media. Focus on your own mental health by setting supportive boundaries.

"Change the Way of Thinking"

Change negative thoughts after the holidays by focusing on the positive things that have been experienced. Be grateful for the positive experiences during the holidays in order to reduce post-holiday blues.

Although there is no specific research, a study in 2018 showed that changing mindset can reduce PTSD symptoms in individuals with severe mental disorders.

Alasan Libur Panjang Akhir Tahun Bukan Fresh Malah Terasa Murung
Support from Friends

Support from Friends

Some people might feel sad and lonely after various social events during the holidays. When experiencing it, Sahabat Dream needs the support of friends so as not to feel lonely.

Make plans to meet with loved ones, especially if you feel like you haven't seen them much after the holidays. This can help overcome the post-holiday blues that may arise from realizing the lack of gatherings with family or friends.

"Meet Professionals"

If necessary, consult with professionals such as psychologists or therapists to improve your mental condition before disrupting daily activities.

Report from Amanda Syavira/Source: is now available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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