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"Secrets of a Slim and Fit Body like Emily Ratajkowski in Her 30s"

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an

Dream - The figure of Emily Ratajkowski is famous as an actress as well as a model who always appears perfect and elegant with various outfits and styles of makeup and hair.

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an

The film actor 'Gone Girl' is also often an inspiration for women because of their proportional body shape.

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an

Not only having a proportional body shape, the actors of the movie 'Entourage' are also fit. If Dream Friends want to have a fit and proportional body like Emily, imitate the following eating patterns and exercise routines.

1. Drink Turmeric Juice and Beet Juice

1. Drink Turmeric Juice and Beet Juice

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Mother of one child often drinks turmeric and beet juice to maintain her body's health. "I like turmeric and beet juice. That drink is indeed unique in Los Angeles," she said to the New York Times."

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an

Turmeric has been used as a medicine in Asia for centuries because it is able to fight inflammation. Dream's friends can also use it as a source of antioxidant to counter free radicals.

While beets contain good nitrate for heart health, improve blood circulation, and can increase energy during exercise.

2. Cooking

2. Cooking

The film actors of 'We Are Your Friends' control their daily intake by cooking their own food. According to them, restaurants tend to offer delicious food in large portions, which leads to overeating.

3. Mengikuti Kelas Kebugaran

3. Following Fitness Class

"The classroom environment in the gym is perfect for me because I can exercise together," she said to InStyle.

The following is the translated text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The sports class offers an environment with participants from various fitness levels. This can reduce the intimidation felt at the gym. In addition, the class always provides modifications for all levels, making it easier for someone to stay motivated."

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an
4. Zumba

4. Zumba

One of Emily's favorite classes is Zumba. "Zumba makes me focused and fully engaged. The music makes me feel like a superwoman and pushes me to exercise harder and more intensively," she said.

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an

You can combine zumba with weight training. Zumba can also improve heart health, maintain respiratory system, and help reduce stress.

5. Dancing

5. Dancing

If Dream's friend sees Emily's TikTok account, maybe you will find a video of the film 'The American Meme' actor dancing.

"Not only enjoyable, but also interesting, dancing can be a way to express oneself, reduce stress, and even help control body weight. In addition, dancing can improve muscle strength and overall health. Report by Amanda Syavira/Source: Eat This"

Rahasia Tubuh Langsing dan Bugar Seperti Emily Ratajkowski di Usia 30an
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