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Awal Tahun Jangan Mager, Biar Tak Sakit Punggung dan Gula Darah Aman

"Start of the Year Don't Be Lazy, So That Your Back and Blood Sugar Stay Safe"

Awal Tahun Jangan Mager, Biar Tak Sakit Punggung dan Gula Darah Aman

"Dream - The modern lifestyle that is fast-paced sometimes makes us forget the importance of movement and physical activity. One of the habits that is increasingly prevalent in society is the laziness of the body to exercise."

Awal Tahun Jangan Mager, Biar Tak Sakit Punggung dan Gula Darah Aman

"Without realizing it, this habit can cause us to experience various serious health problems. Being lazy to exercise can make you experience various dangerous health problems, you know. What are the problems that can arise?"

"Difficult to Sleep and Blood Pressure Rises"

Sports make our sleep more sound because they reduce stress and increase metabolism. If you are lazy to exercise, your sleep may become restless because your body is not used to moving. Sports also help lower high blood pressure by improving blood flow. If you rarely exercise, your heart will have to work harder and the risk of heart disease and stroke may be higher.


"Brain Function and Metabolism"

"Lack of movement can also make the brain less good. Exercise helps brain performance by making it healthier. If you are lazy to move, the brain becomes stiff and affects memory and learning abilities. In addition, metabolism becomes less good. Exercise burns calories and excess fat in the body. Without movement, fat can accumulate and eventually lead to obesity, diabetes, or other chronic diseases."


"Back Pain and Diabetes"

Back pain or joint pain can also occur, you know. Exercise to maintain the strength of the back muscles and joints. If you lack movement, it can make the joints stiff or painful. If you like sweet things, pay attention. Being lazy to exercise can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Exercise helps regulate blood sugar levels. If you rarely exercise, the risk of diabetes can be higher.


"Let's Exercise"

Besides, there are risks of heart disease, cancer, depression, and many more. However, don't worry! You can start exercising for at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. Choose a sport that you like and is suitable for your physical condition. Don't forget to warm up and cool down to prevent injuries, okay!

When it comes to exercise, it can be anytime actually! Exercising in the morning can make the body more energetic and reduce appetite. But if you exercise in the afternoon or evening, the muscles are warmer and it is easier to socialize.

Awal Tahun Jangan Mager, Biar Tak Sakit Punggung dan Gula Darah Aman

So, what are you waiting for? Don't be lazy to exercise, okay! No matter how, move your body, that's what matters! Source:

Awal Tahun Jangan Mager, Biar Tak Sakit Punggung dan Gula Darah Aman
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