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How to Increase Energy Levels Without Consuming Caffeine

How to Increase Energy Levels Without Consuming Caffeine

Dream - Coffee and tea not only make many people addicted because of their delicious taste, but also their effects on the body. Consuming caffeinated beverages can make you feel more refreshed and energized.

It is not surprising that many people drink tea and coffee before or during work or exercise.

How to Increase Energy Levels Without Consuming Caffeine

Although safe and without chronic side effects, caffeinated drinks may not necessarily be good for everyone. Especially if consumed regularly or in large quantities. Some people may experience stomach or gastric pain when consuming them.

Actually, the consumption of caffeinated beverages can be controlled, even replaced. Especially, if Sahabat Dream only needs it to feel more energized. Change the habit of drinking caffeinated beverages with the following routines to be more energized during activities.

1. Avoid Playing with Your Phone Before Bed

Research reveals that people who play with their mobile phones or gadgets right before sleeping will feel more easily bored and tired.

<b>1.     Hindari Bermain Ponsel Sebelum Tidur</b>

Gadgets can disrupt sleep time, so you may not realize it when using them. Therefore, use your phone for a maximum of 30 minutes before sleep with low brightness level to avoid straining your eyes and reducing the quality of your sleep.

2. Chew Gum

2. Chew Gum

Without realizing it, something as simple as chewing gum can help to stay focused and concentrated while working on tasks.

Chewing gum can help the brain release dopamine and non-adrenaline, which are commonly associated with concentration. However, also pay attention to the amount consumed to avoid excessive blood sugar levels.

3. Exercise Routine or Physical Activity

Maybe, you will feel lazy to gather the intention to exercise. Even though if done regularly, exercise can be a way to improve focus and energy.

3.     Exercise Routine or Physical Activity

Sports activities do not need to be high-intensity. Dream friends can do simple physical activities such as climbing stairs or walking regularly to have more energy.

4. Find Stress Relief

4. Find Stress Relief

Experiencing excessive stress can have negative impacts on health. You will have difficulty sleeping, thus not having much energy the next day.

Try to do therapy or talk to friends or close family members to help you channel your thoughts. It is believed to help relieve stress or depression.

5. Consume Vitamin B12

"Vitamin B12 is beneficial for the formation of red blood cells and optimizing nerve function, thus it can help increase energy. Beef, milk, sardines, and yogurt contain natural vitamin B12 that is safe to consume."

5. Consume Vitamin B12

Report: Monica Alycia Mutiara / Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to know the latest information in this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel

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