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"4 Natural Ways to Overcome Chronic Pain without Medication, Body Becomes More Fit"

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain Without Medication, Keep Your Body Fit

Dream - The body can feel pain in the midst of dense activity. The causes are also diverse. Starting from physical injuries, inflammation, nerve disorders, to high stress.

If left untreated, this condition can worsen and disrupt daily activities. Some people try to alleviate body pain by taking medication. There are also those who avoid it due to fear of medication side effects.

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain Without Medication, Keep Your Body Fit

If you are one of them, try some natural ways to relieve pain without the side effects of drugs like the following.

1. Sports

1. Sports

Sports is the most effective way to prevent and treat chronic body pain even though you have to expend energy while doing it.

When the body is active, the levels of endorphins, dopamine, and oxygen in the body will increase. This is what will help reduce pain as well as improve mood and sleep quality.

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain Without Medication, Keep Your Body Fit
<b>2.	Konsumsi Vitamin D</b>

2. Consume Vitamin D

Do you know that vitamin D can help alleviate chronic pain and poor sleep quality?

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The research review in 2017 in the Journal of Endocrinology showed that Brazilian researchers found that vitamin D supplements can not only help treat sleep disorders, but also prevent and treat chronic pain conditions. The consumption of vitamin D supplements should still be under the supervision of a doctor, especially if Sahabat Dream often experiences chronic pain."

<b>3.	Lakukan Diet Mediteranian</b>

3. Do the Mediterranean Diet

Performing a Mediterranean diet can control blood sugar levels and reduce knee pain.

Research conducted at Ohio University in 2017 showed that consuming food with anti-inflammatory effects can reduce long-term discomfort or pain, especially in obese individuals. Let's follow a low-sugar, high omega-3, and anti-inflammatory diet!

<b>4.	Konsumsi Kunyit</b>

4. Consumption of Turmeric

Aside from improving cognitive function, turmeric can also relieve chronic pain, you know. Turmeric contains curcumin or anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce inflammation and pain in the body.

"Meta-analysis in 2016 published in the Journal of Medicinal Food also concluded that turmeric extract is effective in treating joint inflammation. So, don't hesitate to add this spice to the food you consume, yes. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: The Healthy" is now available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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