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7 Masalah Kesehatan yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan di Alam Terbuka<br>

"7 Health Problems that Often Arise After a Vacation in the Open Nature"

7 Masalah Kesehatan yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan di Alam Terbuka

Dream - Some people prefer nature tourism when on vacation. This is because the view from the top of the mountain or seeing the sea from the beach can make someone feel more calm.

Apart from the soothing natural scenery, traveling to the great outdoors also presents its own challenges. In fact, Sahabat Dream may return home in a sick condition.

7 Masalah Kesehatan yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan di Alam Terbuka

What are the diseases that can be experienced during or after traveling to the open nature? Here are some of them:

1. Blistered Skin

1. Blistered Skin

Blisters can be caused not only by exposure to hot objects or liquids. You can also experience them on your feet when carrying a heavy load while hiking.

When wearing footwear that is unable to support the body properly, such as flip flops or oversized or tight shoes, your feet can blister. Choose quality footwear that fits your foot size. If necessary, use special socks before traveling to the outdoors.

2. Scratches

Injury or abrasion from falling or rubbing against sharp surfaces is also often experienced when traveling to open nature. Provide clean water and wound plaster to treat the wound properly.

2. Luka Lecet
3. Knee and Joint Injuries

3. Knee and Joint Injuries

The uneven and challenging terrain can cause knee or joint injuries. Especially if the path is slippery. Prepare a compress or joint pain reliever to overcome it.

4. Insect Bites The abundance of insects in the open nature can cause bite wounds on the skin. Use insect repellent spray or lotion to prevent it. 5. Sunburn According to Merdeka, you are at risk of getting sunburned while traveling in the open nature. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 50 every 3-4 hours to prevent the harmful effects of UV radiation.

6. Dehydration Traveling in the open nature can take a long time. You may not easily find a source of water or food, so there is a potential for dehydration. Bring enough drinking water and food reserves before traveling. 7. Catching a Cold The outdoor air can weaken the immune system and cause a cold. Consume healthy food and bring spare clothes to avoid catching a cold.

Don't forget to bring the necessary medications so that Sahabat Dream stays comfortable while traveling in the open nature. is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to find out the latest information at this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel

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