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5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

Regular exercise is part of a healthy life. According to Mayo Clinic and Very Well Fit, at least 5 times a week, someone with a normal weight and productive age must exercise for 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week. Considering the importance of this activity, for those of you who rarely exercise, you should start immediately. Exercise is not only important for physical health, but also for stamina and as a way to relieve stress. Therefore, try starting with these 5 beginner-friendly exercises.

5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

Walking is the easiest and safest activity for beginners who want to exercise. The National Health Service states that brisk walking can improve stamina, burn calories and fat, and promote a healthy heart. This simple and free sport is suitable for adults aged 19 to 64. No need to take too long, in a day you can do brisk walking for 10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare comfortable clothes and shoes to support your exercise.

5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

Swimming is not only a suitable sport for beginners, but also an entertaining activity to relax or spend time with loved ones. Parents can also invite their children to exercise by starting with swimming activities. You don't need to worry about difficult styles, as a beginner, you just need to practice holding your breath and controlling your body well. If you want to pursue this sport, it would be better to use the services of a professional coach.

5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

In essence, yoga is a sport that can be done by anyone, including beginners and women. The relaxed yoga movements rely on techniques of breathing, balance, focus, and body flexibility, which is why this sport has many fans. Additionally, this sport does not require many tools. Simply use a mat and comfortable clothing to follow the yoga movement instructor. It is even better if you join a class, but even if you don't participate in professional classes, there are plenty of yoga movement videos on the internet that you can follow.

5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

Aerobic exercise has become one of the recommended sports for beginners. The healthline website mentions many effective benefits of aerobic exercise in eliminating fat in the body, because this exercise is able to burn fat compared to carbohydrates as an energy source during your workout. Some movements that are also included in aerobic exercise are jump rope, jogging, mountain climber, and squat jack. These movements can be done at home and adjusted to your own abilities.

5 Olahraga yang Direkomendasikan buat Pemula, Yuk Mulai Gaya Hidup Sehat!

At a glance, pilates movements are indeed similar to yoga. However, it is more modern and energetic. This exercise is also good for toning the body, improving posture, and strengthening the core muscles. For beginners, simply follow pilates movements for 30 minutes. You can also use equipment or do it without equipment. Control your breath and body balance well. So, that's the exercise suitable for beginners who want to start a healthy lifestyle. Don't hesitate anymore because it's never too late to start exercising. Stay healthy! Author: Farhati Haqiya Silmi

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