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Mau Hidup Bahagia di Tahun 2024? Begini 3 Resolusi yang Bisa Kamu Capai!

Want to Live Happily in 2024? Here are 3 Resolutions You Can Achieve!

After going through various dynamics of life in 2023, it doesn't feel long until we will enter a new chapter. Yup, 2024, New Year's celebration is synonymous with festive parties and fireworks displays. In addition, many people also make New Year's resolutions to embrace a better life.

"Every person surely has different resolutions. But generally, there are several resolutions that can serve as a foundation to continuously achieve and even must show progress every year. These resolutions can support a happier and more comfortable life in the new year, you know. So, what are these resolutions? Let's take a closer look."

"Financial Independence Resolution"

Merdeka finansial is the feeling experienced by someone when they no longer worry about their financial condition, both in the present day and in the future. In addition, merdeka finansial can also be interpreted as the economic state of someone who is free from debt and has passive income to meet their living needs. To achieve the target of merdeka finansial in 2024, there are several ways that you can do. Check out the following tips!

Mau Hidup Bahagia di Tahun 2024? Begini 3 Resolusi yang Bisa Kamu Capai!

1. Create a Financial Plan The first step to achieving financial freedom is to establish a clear financial plan. Start by managing personal finances, which involves creating a monthly budget, reducing unnecessary debt, and controlling expenses in line with income. Create individual plans/targets, starting from small to large, with long-term security features such as owning a house, a vehicle, retirement, and others.

2. Avoid Consumptive or Hedonistic Behavior Being a smart and wise consumer is the key to experiencing financial freedom in the future. Before shopping, make it a habit to compare prices and find better and financially beneficial offers. Be a simple and non-wasteful person, avoid the temptation of excessive shopping. By doing so, you can reduce expenses and increase emergency funds.

3. Start Investing Investing is a powerful weapon to achieve long-term financial independence. The right investment can bring you many benefits, from ensuring economic stability to having a prosperous life and multiple passive incomes.

"For the younger generation, especially Gen Z and millennials who want to start investing, starting now you can easily learn about investment through courses, webinars, and utilizing the internet to enhance knowledge about investment, risk management, and long-term financial planning. There's no need to wait long because with the smallest possible capital, you can start it."

"Health Resolution"

"To live a happy life in the new year of 2024, of course, health becomes the main thing that must be taken care of. Well, for those of you who want to improve the quality of life by maintaining your health, here are some tips that you can regularly do."

Mau Hidup Bahagia di Tahun 2024? Begini 3 Resolusi yang Bisa Kamu Capai!

1. Jogging Light and simple exercise that you can do first is jogging or running. The best time to do this exercise is in the morning, when the streets are still quite empty and the air is still fresh. To start, you can jog around the field, and increase the distance every week. Just 30 minutes a day, then having a healthy body is no longer just a dream.

2. Walking The next light exercise that you can do regularly is walking. Simple, but not many people realize that walking has so many benefits to support body health. It is known that regularly walking can make the heart healthier, as this organ performs its task of pumping blood more optimally. Walking every day can also burn a considerable amount of calories, so the body will feel healthy and fit.

3. Yoga Doing yoga for 30 minutes a day can make the body fit, you know. Besides being able to keep the body fit, yoga exercises also help maintain body flexibility because every stretching movement can help lubricate the joints in the body and keep them flexible. Yoga exercises can also improve blood circulation. Smooth blood circulation plays a role in delivering oxygen throughout the body, this will make the mind more relaxed.

"Career Resolution"

To welcome the new year of 2024, in addition to embracing a healthier life, career also becomes an important resolution for you to achieve. Well, in order to have a successful career, you need to learn several skills that are in high demand by companies. The goal is to increase your chances of being accepted to work in the digital era. Here are 3 skills that you need to master in 2024.

Mau Hidup Bahagia di Tahun 2024? Begini 3 Resolusi yang Bisa Kamu Capai!

1. Communication Communication skills are always needed throughout time. This skill involves verbal, written, and the latest one is digital communication. The more proficient in communication skills, it will definitely have a greater impact on both work and daily life. As an example, this communication skill is important to be mastered especially by marketers, so that when conveying or promoting products, all objectives can be delivered well and effectively to potential consumers.

2. Collaboration Collaboration skills have become an important aspect in working across divisions in the current era. The openness to collaboration, both internally and externally, is something that should not be overlooked by companies. This collaboration ability is highly beneficial when your company needs to communicate or work together with various stakeholders involved in your business.

Every person should be able to collaborate to create various innovations, initiatives, and programs that can have a greater impact. For example, when developing a product, various divisions need to collaborate with each other to create a product that is most suitable for the market, budget, and capabilities of the company.

3. AI AbilityArtificial Intelligence (AI) continues to experience improvement in its implementation in the work environment. Therefore, we do not need to feel threatened by the presence of AI. Instead, we must find opportunities for how you can learn and utilize it to support your work. Some of the artificial intelligence (AI) skills that are currently in high demand are cloud computing, blockchain, robotics, and many more.

That is 3 resolutions in 2024 that you can achieve to support a better and happier life. Happy New Year!

Author: Rizky Ramadhan

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