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"Here's How to Ensure Vegetable and Fruit Salad is Not High in Calories"

Begini Cara Pastikan Salad Sayur dan Buah Tak Tinggi Kalori

Dream - When starting a healthy lifestyle or wanting to lose weight, many people begin by consuming fruit and vegetable salads.

Consuming salad made from fresh ingredients is considered healthier and low in calories. However, the reality is not always the same.

Begini Cara Pastikan Salad Sayur dan Buah Tak Tinggi Kalori

"Salad with high-fat, calorie, and sugar processed dairy products as toppings and dressings can disrupt the weight loss process. According to Doctor Dion Haryadi, fruit salad served with milk, yogurt, sweetened condensed milk, and whipped cream is actually more appropriate to be called dessert. If you want fruit and vegetable salad to be truly healthy, try applying the following 4 tips."

1. Choose Low Sugar & Calorie Fruits

1. Choose Low Sugar & Calorie Fruits

Sahabat Dream can choose low sugar and low calorie fruits. Even though natural, sweet fruits contain high sugar and can affect the diet process.

Choose fruits that are not too sweet but still delicious and low in calories, such as watermelon, apple, Balinese orange, lemon, papaya, or melon. Also, pay attention to the portion of fruits consumed so that the calorie intake is not excessive, okay.

2. Choose Yogurt as Dressing

"If you want to use dressing to enhance the flavor, Sahabat Dream can use yogurt. Make sure the yogurt used does not have added sugar and is low in calories to not interfere with the weight loss process."

2. Choose Yogurt as Dressing
3. Add Whey Protein

3. Add Whey Protein

Add whey protein powder to the fruit salad mixture to increase the protein content and its nutrients.

4. Control the Amount of Food Consumed

Although healthy, fruits, vegetables, or other food ingredients can still increase body weight if consumed excessively.

4. Kontrol Jumlah Makanan yang Dikonsumsi

Control the amount of food consumed to maintain weight. Dream friends can also control the amount of calories and nutrients consumed with the help of applications or search for nutritional information of each food ingredient on the internet, so that the weight loss process remains maintained.

" is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel"

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