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Get ready, a series of illnesses that often appear after the holidays.

Get ready, a series of illnesses that often appear after the holidays.

Siap-siap, Deretan Penyakit yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan

Dream - Many people take advantage of the end-of-year holiday to vacation to tourist destinations or explore nature.

"Holiday season is not only used to see the other side of the world or quality time with loved ones, but also as an opportunity for healing from daily routines."

Siap-siap, Deretan Penyakit yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan

Therefore, many people believe that vacations can refresh the body and mind. However, there are also many people who actually get sick during vacations, and that is very normal. Want to know the cause of illness after a vacation? Check out the following explanation, yes.

1. Decrease in Immune System

1. Decrease in Immune System

The body's immune system can actually weaken during holidays. This is caused by the changes in habits that are done during the holidays.

"When traveling, your daily routine will change. Maybe you won't sleep as soundly as at home and your eating patterns will change while on the go,"
According to Well Corner, Ashima Oza, a primary care doctor and Instructor in the Division of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, said.

"@ 2023"


In addition, Sahabat Dream also has the potential to visit crowded places for a long time. You also tend not to exercise during the holidays. That is why your immune system can weaken during the holidays and make you susceptible to illness.

2. Facing Different Climates

2. Facing Different Climates

"Maybe, Dream Friends visit places with different climates than your country or region."

Changes in temperature will make your body function harder, thus affecting your immune system.

3. Lack of cleanliness

In certain conditions, Sahabat Dream may have difficulty maintaining cleanliness. Exposure to something unclean can cause viral infections, making you susceptible to diseases. Especially when you are in unfamiliar public places.

4. 'Holiday Sickness' This disease can occur due to psychological factors where someone cannot relax during a vacation. This can cause symptoms such as flu, pain in specific areas of the body, headaches, and fatigue. 5. Air on the Plane Planes can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Low humidity also dries out the respiratory tract and irritates the throat. Wear a mask and drink enough water to prevent diseases on the plane.

"Diseases Frequently Experienced After Vacation"

Oza reveals that diarrhea, fever, and skin rashes are the most commonly experienced symptoms by someone after a vacation. However, respiratory infections are the most commonly experienced condition by travelers, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

"How to Overcome Illness After Vacation"

After the vacation, Dream friends can take pain relievers such as ibuprofen, drink warm water, and rest to improve their body condition. Consult a doctor if the symptoms worsen or do not improve.

Siap-siap, Deretan Penyakit yang Sering Muncul Setelah Liburan
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