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Potret Gaya Etnik Marsha Timothy dengan Sentuhan Merah Merona

Portrait of Marsha Timothy's Ethnic Style with a Touch of Blushing Red

Potret Gaya Etnik Marsha Timothy dengan Sentuhan Merah Merona

Dream - The impression brought by the color red never fails to create a strong, confident, and bold look. Especially when this red color is combined with ethnic fabric, it can certainly provide a characterful appearance.

Potret Gaya Etnik Marsha Timothy dengan Sentuhan Merah Merona

"Selebriti Marsha Timothy shares an ethnic outfit look with a captivating red nuance. For Dream friends who are looking for outfit ideas, you can take inspiration from these two styles."

Look 1: Exploration of Red Woven Fabrics

Look 1: Exploration of Red Woven Fabrics

Marsha chose a cherry red sarong with a woven pattern for her top. The vertical and horizontal woven patterns appear random and beautiful, giving a unique and attractive impression. This top is combined with a similar patterned fabric and tied at the waist, giving a fashionable and simple touch to her appearance.

The combination of red color and the elegance of ethnic fabric is the main point of her appearance. To complete the bold impression, Marsha chose shiny black high heels and a black mini clutch with a touch of glitter.

Look 2: Motif Batik Merah yang Memikat

Look 2: Captivating Red Batik Motif

In the second appearance, Marsha showcased a darker shade of red. This time, she wore a kebaya encim tunic top with a floral pattern, white and black colors scattered throughout. The random placement of the pattern adds an artistic touch to her appearance.

Potret Gaya Etnik Marsha Timothy dengan Sentuhan Merah Merona

Batik fabric combined with a top has similar colors but different motifs. Marsha chose to highlight a more realistic flower motif on the fabric, creating a sweet look. Marsha's choice of combining red with ethnic fabric inspires Sahabat Dream to experiment with captivating styles. The simplicity of the ethnic fabric touch becomes an interesting combination to try in your ethnic outfit, Sahabat Dream.

Potret Gaya Etnik Marsha Timothy dengan Sentuhan Merah Merona
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